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/games/ - Games

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based wholesome kulak bisexual harem isekai


My WIFE (yep you heard that right leftypolteens ;)) wants me to play it with her, is it good?


me and my wife have also played it. it's fun. i'm actually excited to play it with my daughter when she's big enough. it's actually harder to play multiplayer because you don't get to pause and strategize.

the gameplay loop is casual but also addictive. it's a low-stakes, low-difficulty game, so the real challenge becomes to get as much done in a single day as possible. in 2nd and 3rd play throughs you find yourself giving yourself personal challenges like "get married to an NPC before summer" or "get to level 100 in the mines before fall."

it has lots of different playstyles too. i've seen people avoid farming altogether and go for a purely fishing-based playstyle, for example.

the game actually has a competitive scene and really good immersive mods (like stardew expanded), and the base game was made by a single guy by himself who had never developed a game before.


it's also a good game to just "veg out" and listen to audiobooks/podcasts/music while you play


are you saying you have séx??


How are you both married? That doesn't make any sense…

Are your wives trans or poly?


i can't speak for other anon, but neither.


most people get married, anon. if someone is over 30 it's a 50/50 chance they're married. obviously it's a bit less on an imageboard, but still nonzero. most people who have spouses here probably don't mention them because it's not worth it and you always get accused of humblebragging/lying anyway.


How did you not become an incel? Are you rich or something?

stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it


>yet another capitalist micro-management sim
<wow so relaxing
it's tedious and boring. i have more fun optimizing my food shopping


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it's agrarian. while you own private property, you don't employ anyone or expropriate their surplus value
you can fuck off and do whatever you want with very little consequences, so it's not really micro management unless you want it to be
it's not really a sim either, it has next to no fidelity to what actual agricultural labor is like

>it's tedious and boring. i have more fun optimizing my food shopping

you're entitled to feel that way


>How did you not become an incel?
by having sex i guess
>Are you rich or something?


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i'm a fan of stardew valley because it contains my one true love.


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Why have a harem if you can just have Emily tho?


Truth. Emily is all I need.


You are right.


Garbage skill-less, unengaging Wiki game of optimizing simple arithmetics. Basically a glorified Cookie Clicker on a seasonal timer.


stay mad incel


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For me its Rune Factory 3


i can't play games like this because it makes me feel like a loser with no life (which I am)




Is Stardew Valley an actually existing market socialism?


what do you think of stardew valley expanded


how to use own poop


it's fun
are you talking about fertilizer?


maybe when you have a job and kids you'll realize that's all most people have time for


there's a very weird reason I respect this game: it's the only game in my steam catalog on linux that I can run without running steam. If I go to the exe and run it through terminal it just runs. steam doesn't start. no other game in my library does that as far as I'm aware. I'm still playing 1.5 with mods so I'm very grateful I can do this and not have 1.6 forced on me yet.


>having kids

regardless, i have a lot going on and still manage to not squander all my free time playing flappy bird and angry birds, wonder why that is


Good game. Played a lot on the ps4 release, really did take me back to harvest moon days.


>i have a lot going on and still manage to not squander all my free time playing flappy bird and angry birds, wonder why that is
it's because you come here to brag about how you manage to not squander all your free time playing flappy bird and angry birds, instead


Unfortunately I don't think I'll ever have children but if I didn't have any time for videogames (which I barely have nowadays) I'd rather watch a film or read a book instead of lobotomizing myself with the glorified Cookie Clicker. Get a grip.


Your mom's a glorified Cookie Clicker.



Bros.. I love the "bitchy bimbo with a secret heart of gold" archetype so damn much.


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