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quick, name a communist video game that is NOT disco elysium




Fallout New Vegas


Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines




workers and resources


disco elysiu- DAMNIT


Mario kart 64


Hostile Waters


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Metal Gear Solid


Everlasting Summer


dwarf fortress if you kill every noble that pops up in your fort


Dead Cells, made by a worker's co-op.


Red Faction: guerrila


shin megami tensei iii nocturne featuring dante from the devil may cry series



It literally takes place in primitive communism times.


>primitive communism
so tired of this meme


based unless you're just a seething hobbeschvd


Everything by Kremlingames, and Hidden Agenda


honkai star rail(revolutionary) and genshin impact(revisionist)


red faction guerrilla


<endless sky
>atom rpg
endless sky in particular needs a chinlet rewrite. every single quest-line is basically the author telling you "if you don't agree with my position on this imaginary situation, I'm going to lock you out of this part of the game", including the main story, it's fnv but with only one route (ncr)


Gorby no pipeline daisakusen


The New Order: Last Days of Europe


i said red faction guerrilla first you copy cat, you ctrl+c ctrl+v cat, you mitosis cat, you agent smith cat


Sorry, I post a different one.

Pokemon Black and White


>>28357 very cool


Shocked nobody mentioned Victoria II yet.


I figured vicky and hoi were low hanging fruit


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Hidden Agenda (1988)
look at how they massacred my boy


holy shit it actually is. legendary


Vic3 wanted to do the whole materialism thing then gave everyone random leaders who totally shift the country, what a meme


HoI is anti-marxist game. No people, no interest groups, no economy, not even politics or ideology in any way other than aesthetical, just abstract nation-empires whose only purpose is to paint the map their colour.


Literally made in the USSR


MGS has no coherent ideology though it sometimes favorably nods to socialism


This. HoI/Victoria are basically imperialism simulators. HoI also gave us Kaiserreich. Some things just never should be forgiven…


>HoI/Victoria are basically imperialism simulators
HoI isnt, thats my point, forces driving imperialism dont even exist in it, its just map painting simulator. Vicky on the other hand is, which is why its somehow a marxist game. Far from perfect, its strategy eurojank, but it tries to actually simulate politics and economy of 19th century Europe.


Honestly what did you expect from the studio that gave us a game where your ruler and nation's "essence" is everything (EU), and one where the ruler alone is everything (CK), and >>28364


>MGS has no coherent ideology
Anti-war and pro-nuclear disarmament from a liberal or Japanese pacifist perspective


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Unfortunately all of this is just superficial aesthetics & edge and he isn't actually into Marxism/Anarchism/whatever.

t. knower


why ?


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Company of heroes 2


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trust the plan


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Victoria 1-3, Red Alert 1-3, Stellaris (space communism), Hearts of Iron 1-4, basically any game with soviet union, Crisis in Kremlin, Red Orcchestra 1-2.


Worst Fallout. Even 76 is better.


Socialist countries cant be imperialist.


Wasn't someone making that alunya in catalonia shooter here


COH 2 is literally Nazi propaganda


Right for the wrong reasons


Grand theft auto 5


Mother 3.
Not communist in the ML sense, but it has strong anarcho-communist and eco-socialist vibes.
At the beginning of the game, you live in a comfy rural commune where money doesn't exist, but the villain, who is literally named Porky, invades it with his private army of soldiers wearing pigmasks, to introduce money into the commune and sell TVs to the villagers in order to turn them into passive consumers. Epic stuff ensues.


Why do German units sucks then?


I expected this. Yeah, Kojima is a Che fanboy. Big Boss says in peace walker that he's not fit to shine Che Guevara's boots. Like I said, there's little nods to socialism, but ultimately the game has no coherent ideology and frankly neither does Kojima. Take MGS V for example. You're a Doctors Without Borders guy who has received plastic surgery and been brainwashed into thinking he's Big Boss after being in a coma for 9 years, you run a mercenary collective that partners with NGOs. Literal "what if Blackwater was good guys." type shit. You kidnap African and Soviet troops and brainwash brainwash them to go get killed in skirmishes on giant oil rigs. You have your own giant oil rig which you use as a sea fortress. In MGS the revolutionary class is considered to be the soldiers and medics, not the proletariat. Venom Snake runs a dictatorship of the soldier class in Diamond Dogs. Except it's not a class dictatorship. Honestly it's Venom Snake running everything as a puppet of Big Boss.

It's all very incoherent and silly, and that's ignoring the mechs and the stupid names and the convoluted relationships between characters. Even from a birds eye view it's incoherent.


DIdnt Kojima have little involvement in MGSV, an overall unfinished and rushed game?


>>28383 (me)
Now that I think about it, I was being mean to MLs, Mother 3 plot can also be seen as critiquing imperialism, what happen to the Tazmily villagers is more or less what Hobson and Lenin were decrying during their time, economically speaking.
But forced industrialization by Porky and productivism in general is not shown in a good light throughout the game. The villagers basically get forced to become miners and in exchange get Happy Boxes to cope with their newly imposed industrial life.
In short, a strong element of the plot is that the villagers are forced to become proletarians at gunpoint, and also get fooled by vapid commodities turning them into atomized and passive consumers, while they were already living under (admittedly low-tech) communism before and were quite happy with it.

I'm currently playing MGSV for the first time as I finally got a gaming PC, so all I can say is that I've appreciated the nods so far, starting the game fighting alongside the Mujaheddins against the Soviets, then fighting against NATO mercenaries for the benefit of the MPLA in Angola, it makes absolutely no sense from an ideological point of view lmao.

It's sad that Japanese games seem completely sanitized and boring these days.
I mean, in the first few hours of the OG Final Fantasy VII, you are basically an eco-terrorist blowing up a nuclear Mako reactor to fight against a conglomerate who established a lolbert dictatorship over the city. The inhabitants are in complete misery and routinely die in front of you, and you even have to sell your bussy in a brothel to the local kingpin in order to the climb the ladder to the corporate HQ.
When you look at the remake, it's like a slice of life anime, "wow Tifa is so cute, we are going to eat pizza!!" kind of bullshit. Fuck Konami and fuck Square Enix, I hope the generic CEOs they appoint will drive them to the ground.


>When you look at the remake, it's like a slice of life anime, "wow Tifa is so cute, we are going to eat pizza!!" kind of bullshit. Fuck Konami and fuck Square Enix, I hope the generic CEOs they appoint will drive them to the ground.
wtf, seriously? this sucks, i've never played the remake but the atmosphere and story was a huge part of ff7, possibly the best part


He's greatly exaggerating.


MGSV tried or at least marketed itself as being the game that tells the story of how a quest for revenge turned Big Boss and his org from the honorable PMC guys of Peace Walker into the brutal military dictatorship with a goal of keeping the world in eternal global conflict of the original Metal Gear but I think it’s obvious that the dev team failed at properly presenting the player as a villain protagonist. Venom Snake and the DD don’t really do a whole lotta war crimes and in fact they seem like pretty chill guys: they show clemency to the enemy, they rescue child soldiers and even help on global nuclear disarmament in one of the endings.
So the end result, as you said, is that the game feels really ideologically incoherent and incomplete.


It's good in it's own right, but I personally feel some of what made the original good is missing. I don't like that there's sunlight peeking through the plate, I don't like that you can see both ends of the plate and a bunch of sunlight from anywhere in the slums, and I think in general they cleaned it up too much. Like, Wall Market is built up to be a den of crime and pleasure, and then you get there and aside from the Corneo story stuff, you don't feel that at all. Everything is way less seedy, you've got cute couples on the street bantering about chocobo bean popcorn. Wall Market is supposed to be gross, the slums are supposed to be depressing.

Without fail they just video game it up with over the top anime battles, remove subtext and remove any tension. The narrative subsequently turns into a flatline. This is not how you tell a story. Maybe I'm just an old man yelling at the clouds here but Final Fantasy pre-11 knew how to tell a competent story and build a compelling narrative. The writers actually understood characterization and story arc.

Nomura is terrible at writing, even when everything is already written it seems


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Well maybe I'm more jaded and cynical because I'm older now, but when I saw a let's play, it seemed like the cuteness was emphasized to the max, and little of the grittiness remained.
There were already cute sugary cut-scenes in the OG game, like when you talk to Tifa on the roof or to Aerith surrounded by flowers in one way or another, but they felt like welcome respite in this world of sin.
In remake, it felt to me like every interaction with Tifa is generic fan-service shit, and Shinra Inc. are generic capeshit villains who get quickly sidelined by Sephiroth.
It's pretty telling that they only remade the part in Midgar, and changed the ending to give a bigger place to Sephiroth, and are planning to release the second part in "late 2023 or early 2024". FFVII "Remake" was released in 2020, and I know modern AAA games involve a shit ton of work, but it seemed to me like a cynical cash grab on their part, compared to what Capcom is doing with the Resident Evil remakes.


>who get quickly sidelined by Sephiroth
Yes, in the original you barely even know who Sephiroth is until you find out he's a big bad.


>Final Fantasy pre-11 knew how to tell a competent story and build a compelling narrative. The writers actually understood characterization and story arc.
I completely agree.
Considering FF6 as an adult, the story basically boils down to "you will all die, everyone of you will be executed by the evil empire huehuehue", but someone it's gripping, a shit ton of events happen, you find yourself entangled in various adventures, you end up in a steampunk airship going on an island in the skies then BOOM, and in a very melodramatic moment right after, poor Celes tries to kill herself but is miraculously saved despite all odds, and somehow, it doesn't feel cringe.

>Nomura is terrible at writing, even when everything is already written it seems

I blame it all on the nomination of Yoichi Wada as CEO in 2001 when Square merged with Enix.
Hironobu Sakaguchi knew how to make games, was involved in the production of all Final Fantasy games until 11 (and the cringe fest that was X-2), while Yoichi Wada is a generic corporate CEO, so he could do nothing but supervise the production of generic Japanese AAA games.

>As a student, Wada wanted to become the president of a company quickly, rather than gradually working his way up through his entire career. He set for himself the objective of becoming a president by the age of 40.[3] After receiving a bachelor's degree in law from the University of Tokyo, he went through an apprenticeship in the financial services group and global investment bank Nomura Securities to build a track record of success.[3][4] Starting in 1984, he served in the group as part of the corporate strategy division, the investment banking division, and the controller division.[4] He also worked at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan in Warsaw, Poland.[2] In 2000, he decided to join "a company with a 'theme'" and, thinking that one of the themes of the 21st century was "creating society", chose the video game company Square.[3]

Pic related is the next-to-be Square Enix CEO. I mean, would you trust the opinions of this guy on what is good game design?


the glory society is also a co-op, so night in the woods. IIRC one of the characters attends socialist youth meetings


night in the woods creators is literally a communist


Gorbino's Quest real!?!


Democratic Socialism Simulator


>Considering FF6 as an adult
My friend was playing it for the first time and said it was cringe because it felt like a play.
Since he's said that, I can't help but see it like that. All the fourth wall breaks, and theater tropes just make it such a viable theory that I genuinely wonder if the scenario writers were just a bunch of drama kids given the opportunity to make a game.


>DIdnt Kojima have little involvement in MGSV, an overall unfinished and rushed game?
yeah but kojima came up with the broad strokes of the plot, and the plot still conformed to canonical shit from earlier games like big boss and outer heaven, which kojima did come up with


>it felt like a play
is that supposed to be a bad thing lmao


He didn't like it but I love it


SpongeBob Battle for Bikini Bottom.


This, even if the story isn't some kind of postmodern metafiction like MGS2, it's still well written and staged, many old nerds still remember the opera scene to this day.

By contrast, the most recent FF game I've played was 13. I barely remember anything from the story.
Overdone tropes were happening during cutscenes, Sazh was the only redeeming character, then I explored narrow corridors with fancy graphics over and over again. The battle system was interesting at first, but got old after 20-30 hours of gameplay.
Never again, I don't have time for this bullshit anymore.


>starting the game fighting alongside the Mujaheddins against the Soviets

having played through MGSV and captured every area in the afghanistan map and just fucking around a lot, I think one thing I found really annoying about the game is that there are literally zero civilians. And only one mujahideen charcter, malak, shows up in a mission, and he's a medic. It's like the incoherent storyline only works by focusing entirely on the soviets and omitting the people they are supposedly imperializing (while ignoring the saur revolution and operation cyclone, and the fact that the soviets were invited in by a revolutionary government in kabul)


It shows sympathy and leaning towards one position
Remember, this is the same country where you can just easily fetishize the Nazis and wear SS uniforms and go on about how the Chinese deserved to be raped while saying it didn't happen
Learn to take what you can get


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Sim city mix with banana republic satire politics but it is possible to be vary successful, fair and vary left leaning.


Post more of her?




<In a dystopia where wealthy capitalists control elections, media, and the lives of working people, we’re faced with two choices - accept it or fight for something better.


tbf shinra barely matters in the original after you leave midgard, and they get religated from evil monsters who are a lil bafoonish to just side badguys who are bafoonish

really is a shame that they arent as intemidating and that the societal critique of shinra only really extends to midgard, the flashbacks, the mining city and the ninja village and then doesnt really matter anymore after that


there are no communist videogames
except for the ones i like
but there are no communist videogames


while it definitely isnt anti communist at all, pathologic (1) isnt really an expressily political game in its story and all politics you can get from it are only really able to be derrived from its other existensial themes
hell, while one of the utopians (andrei) directly states that he and daniil lived during the time of the 1905 revolt, its still unclear if the games goverment is the soviet, the duma or the tsar and the war they are fighting could be the civil war, the first ww1 on the side of the tsar or even the second world war


Touhou, easily.


You can now play Green New Deal simulator by the same dev for free on Steam


They're responsible for creating Sephiroth and try to use the giant materia to blow up meteor. It could be taken as a critique of corporations fucking around with shit they really don't understand and their short term thinking leading to consequences that very quickly get beyond their control.


How would you make a Marxist grand strategy game then?


DE is not communist either.


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Supreme Commander


there's a new one coming out called industrial animation


>industrial animation
You sure you have the right name… I can't find any games by googling "industrial animation"


Maybe its Industrial Annihilation.
Looks like a much better looking Planetary Annihilation, which is decent but idk how it relates to communism. Unlike SupCom where Cybrans have been shown to be collectivists and UEF remnants of an oppressive empire that still hold symbionts as slaves, the lore on either playable factions in this one seems to be non-existent.


I hate how many games miss out on lore or have nonexistent lore, it's so easy to whip up something moderately interesting.




Final fantasy tactics


Space communism gameplay is allowed is stellaris, but so is space cyberpunk capitalist dystopia, space third reich and space feudalism.


True and the only correct way to do so is playing a driven assimilator


The correct course is to get that wonder that makes it so every species can breed with each other


I memba when Megacorps was first dropped, the Space USSR was so OP, it had to be nerfed several times. But housing mattered back then.

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