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/games/ - Games

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please post your favorite indie games and tell us something about them,
any description will do, all are welcome

presenting: The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante

The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante is a narrative-driven RPG that comes to life on the pages of the protagonist's journal. Set in a ruthless world where any form of dissent is mercilessly crushed, the story follows a man who has dared to challenge the existing order. Set out on a lifelong journey and become an individual able to carve out their own destiny… But remember that freedom never comes cheap.

Life in the Great Arknian Empire is harsh and its hardest Lot is yours by the circumstance of birth. You are a commoner, holding no rights and no title. To seize your fate and become the rightful heir to the legacy of the Brante family you will have to come to grips with ossified tradition and prejudice. Embarking on a life-long journey from one's birth until true death, you will have to endure great upheavals, face adversity, and make many difficult choices. Every decision will affect not only the protagonist, his family, and loved ones, but may even topple the foundation of the Empire itself.
Key features

At the turn of time
Every imperial citizen's life is predetermined by their estate. The deities known as the Twin Gods have bestowed this truth to the world, dividing mortals into Lots. The nobles lead and rule over others, while the clergy guides people on the one true path, and the lowborn suffer, toiling away for the glory of the Empire. You may accept your fate without question, but it is also in your power to change the cosmic order that governs all.

Your choice is not an illusion
Divided into chapters, the game keeps track of the player's deeds, the skills they acquired, as well as other overlapping circumstances that shape a unique plotline for each playthrough. Every decision has its consequences and you will be held accountable throughout the entire journey. To protect your family and loved ones, to impose the rule of the Emperor and make a fortune, or to try and change the world as you see fit… Make your choice, but beware of the follies of pride and ambition.

Find your own path
The first complete walkthrough can take you upwards of 15 hours! The unpredictable conclusion to the game's story hinges solely on your actions: the fates of your character and members of his family, their friends and rivals, as well as the outcome of the monumental events that shall determine the future of the Empire – you can decide it all!


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Presenting: Behind the Frame: The Finest Scenery
With an art style reminiscent of Studio Ghibli, the game sees the player as an artist on the verge of finishing the final art piece for a gallery submission. As the painting nears completion, the player slowly uncovers an emotional history backed by chance and


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Presenting: The Cat Lady https://store.steampowered.com/app/253110/The_Cat_Lady/
The Cat Lady follows Susan Ashworth, a lonely 40-year old on the verge of suicide. She has no family, no friends and no hope for a better future. One day she discovers that five strangers will come along and change everything…


Cool anon. Can you please post non-steamlinks if posible tho since steam is so disrespecting of privacy?



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Presenting: Downfall




There is nothing Joe wouldn't do for his wife. But as they try to save their marriage with a romantic getaway, things go from bad to worse, and from worse… to insanity…


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Presenting: Lorelai



The little she had was taken away, but Lorelai refuses to give up, she will fight. And not even death will stop her from getting it all back…



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Presenting:Shadowrun Returns

The unique cyberpunk-meets-fantasy world of Shadowrun has gained a huge cult following since its creation nearly 25 years ago. Now, creator Jordan Weisman returns to the world of Shadowrun, modernizing this classic game setting as a single player, turn-based tactical RPG.


Arent mercs and IGGGames both known for including malware into torrents?


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but hey if you arent sure ill post the gog games version of each game if they have one
Shadowrun returns
Sir brante
Downfall (both redux and the original)
the cat lady
Presenting: Behind the Frame: The Finest Scenery



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This one i couldnt find on GOG
Presenting:Burnhouse Lane

Burnhouse Lane tells a story of Angie Weather, a one foot in the grave agency nurse attempting to complete five impossible tasks in order to win her life back. Solve puzzles, make friends and enemies, run, hide and fight in this dark adventure that'll take you on a trip to another world and back…



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i started pirating in 2014 or so, i dont remember when i started using igggames releases, but i never had any problems with them, not even once, if you get them from 1337x its fine, but the google redirect website is filled with malware for some reason, the thing about them putting malware in their releases started on reddit, because IGG doxxed the owner of the old GOG pirate website, unfortunately sometimes they're the only ones where you can fdind certian undergorund games, without going to private trackers.


My go-to torrent site was RARBG2021.org, shut down only couple days ago, and RuTracker.org.


i used rutracker a few times, and Rarbg was so good, a shame they took it down


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Death Skid Marks:
Free roguelite - Mullet wearer attempts to reach a concert in a car, picks up assholes on the way, kills hundreds of other assholes in the process. Has a pretty interesting artstyle.


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Monument Valley and Monument Vallet 2

Originally mobile games, but now they are out on PC too. Relaxing puzzle game about impossible geometry. Maybe its aesthetic is overdone but the first game came out on 2014 and was one of the games who popularised this minimalistic style. Play them on the best screen you have.


Sounds like a clone of the older title Echochrome :P


This was my favourite timewaster in high school :o
Very serene and aesthetic


This game is way too hard. I spent like 5-6 hours playing it and didn't even get close to winning, someone on the forums says they spent 50 HOURS!!! before they won for the first time.


some roguelites are like that, like gungeon or (especially) noita


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Liberal Crime Squad: The forces of conservatism gain power at every turn, and it seems the masses are cowed to their whims. It's up to the Symbionese Liberation Army Liberal Crime Squad to tear them down, and institute their radical, liberalist agenda!
Gang simulator made by Tarn Adams with lots of options, like seducing judges to make the legal system a non-issue, or storming CIA headquarters with a gang of hippies and college students.

Wiki, along with game links, here: http://lcs.wikidot.com/
Graphical remake with mouse support here: https://the-cheshire-cat.itch.io/lcs


I liked slaverian trucker but it's not even half finished and is a very boring game, if you don't like depressing life sims


Well they should come with a warning, because I'm looking for entertainment not a second job. Noita is particularly incomprehensible

Loved this game as a kid.


I had to play Gungeon for like 30 hours to beat it once.


gungeon is also straight up badly designed compared to TBoI because of how needlessly long things take


yeah but gungeon actually tells you what its items do without having to download a mod


Well, I enjoyed those 30 hours, ultimately that's the important part about any game.


Is that truly the point of gaming though? the time spend performing the task? Is it not the discussion and thinking about the material after consumption that is the most rewarding part? Sharing connections with others who also performed the task? I know of a few movies I haven't rewatched that have led to hours of conversation throughout years of my life. Books I still think about today. Was gungeon only a 30 hour long pleasure ride, or did it have lasting effect on you as a person?


I meant the enjoying the game part. Length is not important, unless you spend dumb money on something and its extra short, but that type of thing is pretty much impossible nowadays.


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GRIS is an easy platformer. Its strenght is the world and the visual design. It's a short relaxing game.


Star Fetchers, you dopey cunts.
Pilot is free.


>Star Fetchers

indie devs are really running out of name ideas huh


Meat Boy was the shit before McMillen and Baranowski left and the series went down the shitter. It had kickass music, lots of gore, dark aesthetic and hardcore levels you actually had to learn.

I recommend playing the first game and after that getting Super Meat Boy and adding Baranowski's music into it.


Also recommend The End is Nigh, the spiritual successor to Super Meat Boy, made by McMillen himself.





Project: Downfall
Fast-paced and difficult 2.5D FPS inspired by Hotline Miami where you as a happy pill-addled wagie in a cyberpunk city who becomes a vigilante. There is rather interesting combat system where you can pop pills to slow time and gain bonuses, rack up combos based on how you eliminate enemies and can pull off stunts like walljumps. There are also various endings based on what paths you took during the story, how much pills you took, what characters died etc., some of these ending conditions being rather arcane, but at least one ending has you get back at the megacorporation that hooks people up pills and kick off a revolution against corporate rule.
Overall interesting if you can handle it without getting nausea.

Buy or nab:


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Paranoid bayou-punk point and click/graphic novel about rampant animal mutating AIs, jesus and the polluting oil industry in a dystopian retro-futuristic company town that actually exists IRL and which actual industrial accidents inspired events in the game.
The dev is also very responsive in the steam community forum in posts, notably about the speculations of curious gamers and eventually made a web based app/game compiling his answers to explore more the universe which I find extremely cool.


enjoyed this game a lot, reminded me of Parable of the Sower, recommend reading that too


>hardcore levels you actually had to learn
by trial and error, sure


This seems interesting, gonna check it out. Thanks for sharing.


Thanks for the recommendation, I have been reading SF for 15 years but curiously I never got around Butler's stuff even though I like anarchism. I finished NORCO two weeks ago and I still think about it, this game stays on your mind.


No problem, let me know how you get on!


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Well that book was an insanely bleak trip, I liked it very much though, and I wish I read it when I was a teenager naively writing a philosophy essay about change being the only truth. I live far from the US but when I see the opioid crisis, the wildfires, the homeless camps, the successive hurricanes destroying entire cities, the cop and gun violence etc etc the world of the book appears disconcertingly familiar. I still can't believe people would realistically resort to so much chaotic violence and not self organize better, I feel like it's again that trope of the American post apocalyptic genre which functions as cultural fearmongering to keep people from imagining something different from the current status quo can be anything but an ultra-violent anomie. I can see the similarities with NORCO with the thing about Jesus going to space in a crumbling society, although it's more like Mad Max but without cars.
I already downloaded the second book so I'll see where it's gonna go.

To not derail the thread too much I'll use this post and recommend Underrail to the pipeworkers out here, this game is more known but still indie and one of my favorites. Also happens in a dystopian shit hole where most people are really bad, potentially you too since you can (and are encouraged to) genocide a tribe of natives. The surface of the earth had been dead for a long while and you have to get by in a vast subterranean complex filled with mutants and nasty stuff. Stygian, the lead dev, is apparently and maybe not so surprisingly an asshole though.


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Whats the deal with the dev? Did he go on crazy rants like the Domina guy or just had a drama episode?


>boot up the life and suffering of sir brante
>tell myself this time i will play a new and different path
>its another imperial nobleman playthrough
call me a monarchist/chinlet/whatever. route has some of the best scenes in the game.


I played based communist judge


Damn, that game looks based af… Is there an anarchist route?



Yeah kinda, you can play as a peasant and join the revolt, you end up having to depose the leader though for being evil if you want a better ending


Just like in real life, porkies are backstabbers in the game.


Fear & Hunger is a 2018 survival horror role-playing video game developed by Finnish game developer Miro Haverinen. Taking place in an anachronistic dark fantasy setting mixing Medieval and present-day environments, Fear & Hunger follows one of four playable characters as they delve into the Dungeon of Fear & Hunger, facing off against deadly traps, puzzles and monsters as they make their way deeper, in order to rescue the knight Le’garde.

The game received generally positive reviews, with critics praising the game's atmosphere, gameplay, storytelling and difficulty while criticizing the presence of semi-frequent typos and the game's handling of some of its more mature themes, particularly that of sexual violence.

A sequel, Fear & Hunger 2: Termina, was released in 2022.



Kill yourself.



I promisse you this game is not "edgy right wing conservatism" thing, specially the sequel. This game is not for everybody, but i assure you will not be disapointed. It has a very nice art design and soundtrack, very unique, it reminds me of Junji ito body horror wich i like a lot, and you got to kill Hitler 2 times as the final boss. Very nice story, one of the best games that i played in 2023


oh ok


Seems like one of the mods bumped their head again and did an errant delete. I'll clarify again: my problem isn't with the game (which is actually worth playing), but the retarded tongue bath of a post. Post like a fucking human being and not a walking advert.


stop being a fucking cunt, and chill out, let the man be enthusiastic


Too much bump on head or too little. It's a mystery


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Void Stranger
This is one of those games that's more enjoyable the less you know going in. Without spoiling too much, it's a sokoban puzzle game with an overarching narrative that you only find out about slowly as you play. Somewhat comparable to games like Myst and Outer Wilds where the progression is information based.
The one caveat is that you probably won't enjoy the game if you don't enjoy the sokoban puzzles. There are a bunch!


>The one caveat is that you probably won't enjoy the game if you don't enjoy the sokoban puzzles
That's a shame, I was sort of interested in it. I really liked their other game ZeroRanger and I love Outer Wilds and games like it where you have to work out whats going on. I just really can't stomach puzzle games like that. I have PTSD from box puzzles in JRPGs.


It's not exactly block pushing, the main mechanic is picking up and putting down floor tiles to make a path to the exit. There isn't quite as much forethought involved in my experience. The devs do refer to it as a sokoban, though.



I tried playing as bourgie, helping porky but owning the aristocrats but somehow I fucked up and the revolution started, then I tried joining it but my family died, welp RIP


Apparently the highly anticipated Manor Lords which releases in one week is an indie game made by a solo dev. It's getting quite a bit of coverage on youtube from a wide variety of gamers, from city builders to RTS and GSG enjoyers, and is supposedly the most wishlisted game on Steam atm. Will be interesting to see if it lives up to the hype and if it can successfully combine Banished with Total War


>Will be interesting to see if it lives up to the hype and if it can successfully combine Banished with Total War
>made by a solo dev
I think I can already answer that one.


Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup is a fun roguelike

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