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I really don't care about 30 fps. And if the game pushes software, hardware or gameplay boundaries, I specially don't care.


just emulate it lmao lol


Starfield tho.


>Zelda ToTK
>Pushing boundaries
It's literally just another Zelda game but with shitty and less interesting minecraft mechanics. But of course all the nintentards soyface over it since they're stupid. Nintendo as a company is so fucking overrated.


i played tunic instread tbh


By this point there is no reason to NOT emulate Nintendo games aside from the online multiplayer (which is shit anyway). Nintendo can fucking kys. I want them to suffer. I want them to beg for mercy as their annual budget approaches zero.

>but with shitty and less interesting minecraft mechanics
You're being too harsh to a pretty decent game. I don't hate Nintendo games themselves, they are fine.

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