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New trailer dropped. Cringe chosen one narration, but gameplay looks really fun. The vibe I get from it is trying to be to Skyrim what New Vegas is to Fallout 3 (i.e. hopefully making it good).
Also its rather striking how pretty and intriguing the world looks, despite being generic fantasy, in sharp contrast with Bethesdas Starfield, which is sci-fi filled with the most boring alien planet designs imaginable.


>"gameplay trailer"
>barely any gameplay


It's a lot more vibrantly colored than I was expecting. Hard to form an opinion from the trailer alone, but where a lot of POE's strength comes from its story, reactivity, and companions this seems a lot more of an action-oriented solo game. I'm interested to see what it's like.
>be to Skyrim what New Vegas is to Fallout 3
Skyrim came out TWELVE YEARS AGO and people are still using it as a point of comparison. It's stuck in this weird place where everyone wants the next Skyrim but apparently everyone hates it.


>It's stuck in this weird place where everyone wants the next Skyrim but apparently everyone hates it.
I mean its obvious what the problem is, right? You can see it with Fallout 3 vs New Vegas, and with massive modding community every Bethesda game spawn. They create a solid base for the game, but fail to fill it with interesting contend. And its not like anything else that would scratch that open world exploration RPG itch came out since Skyrim, or at least I cant think of anything.


bethesda loves making games that you will play for 2 weeks and then forget about


>new game comes out
>thread immediately derailed over a game that came out over 10 years ago because there are superficial similarities


>better than skyrim
>starting from scrarch with no modding community or lore in current year


Fallout 4 with mods is OK. Only a little more empty and bland than modded skyrim or modded fallout NV. Graphic fidelity of the base game is higher but still grey and kind of uncanny, like fallout 3 ig. The modding community is what makes any bethesda game. If youd get sick of them that's understandable. Certainly no innovation for nearly a decade and a half now.


Idk what to say about the trailer. Hope the depth of character bulding of Pillars of Eternity gets translated into action RPG format well. Played monk in those, none of the playstyles in the trailer seem to corespond to it, ill be dissapointed if that one gets removed.


>Cringe chosen one narration
Standard fantasy cliche.

Meanwhile, in sci-fi:
>Who TF are you? We literally don't give a shit, it's literally war going on rn


>>starting from scrarch with no modding community or lore in current year
>no lore
It's an existing universe.


Every time I think about giving Skyrim another try I remember that the last time I did, I have spend two weeks just getting all the mods working together, took me more hours than actually playing it.


Short interview with the game director, the only two new information she said was that indeed this is chosen one bullshit, with you having some super awesome unique abilities connected to the game location (why the fuck does Obsidian keep doing that?), and game world not being a single big map, but split into number of areas.


>game world not being a single big map, but split into number of areas.
So it's hub based like The Outer Worlds was. Some of the later areas were very undercooked in that game, hopefully they got more money and dev time with this one.


>I have spend two weeks just getting all the mods working together
That's the fun part.


No its not. Some of it was fucking esoteric, like I had wildlife AI mod, so that animals behave like animals and not like video game enemies, which worked fine on its own, but broke hostile NPC AI (not wildlife, that worked fine, just "people" enemies) when used with other mods. After a whole day of experimenting, I figured out that the culprid was a texture mod. Like how? How does that cause anything?


>Like how? How does that cause anything?
Well, the thing is, Skyrim is not Doom…


That texture mod probably had a plugin that changed AI package in some way. Which one it was btw?

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