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what's everyone think???


Star Wars brand has not been attached to anything good in almost 20 years, unlikely to change now. The game looks like generic action-adventure.


Andor was alright


>Star Wars brand has not been attached to anything good in almost 20 years
Fallen Order.


Star Wars Battlefront 2


Empire at War


All right, 17 year.

Case in point.


Mediocre game with below average level design. Just play Sekiro.


Really hate the aesthetic of star wars games, and really all modern AAA games.


Also bring back silent protagonists in games, I never want to hear a quip from a character I'm playing as ever again


>Also bring back silent protagonists in games
You can just play old games, there's no reason to play new AAA garbage anyway.

I once looked at my library of games and froze In horror. Dozens upon dozens of games. Zero played hours, ZERO.


Can we stop milking the fucking timelines between the OT already like can we get one single game that takes place in the far future of the Galaxy, my god. Like how you had the Old Republic in the Far Past just something new.


>WHAT!? We have to make something new?!? Nooooo our investors will be angry, we have to please our investors noooo!!


Heh, and what I have to say to your investors is yes, yes let the butthurt flow through you.

But in all seriousness, my point still stands, and like there is so much more you can do when you aren't tied down to certain movie timelines, and creating something interesting with a vast universe like Star Wars, you can do soo fucking much but here we are has to always be about the Empire or some Empire wannabes. Conflict in a time so far in the future with actually introducing Communist ideals into the mix, like how there was a droid uprising where the droids understanding they are repressed workers unite with the other laborers and go against the Capitalist flow of the core worlds.


>with actually introducing Communist ideals into the mix
Won't even get past the drafting stage.


Well they can't have anything set in the future, because then that will constrain whatever the Disney writers room shits out in 5 minutes for the next movie's plot.


Disney can't make anything new. They can only make pale imitations of the old EU, possibly even ripping off shit from it like Palpy coming back.


>Disney can't make anything new. They can only make pale imitations of the old EU
Tru, all those damn remakes are cancer.


Right but still I came up with a fucking plot in like 10 mins of survival horror. Linking up the ideas from the KoTOR games having the Star Forge Slowly Rebuilding itself, calling to unsuspecting victims turning them into hive mind like zombies while on the Planet its still primitive with the Rakatans still an extremely hostile race. While everything around Rakata Prime is ship graveyard.

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