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File: 1685129183301.jpg (835.48 KB, 1200x675, mhouse.jpg)


So what's our opinion on myhouse.wad?


It's a cool looking wad but I ruined it for myself because I got rec'd a playthrough of it on youtube around the time the wad was first uploaded and thought it was some meme shit based on the name but ended up getting enamored with it when I saw what it really was and saw at like 2 of its endings. I know there's even more to it than what I saw but I wish I knew little about i.




i watched the vinny vinesauce of it and it was cool.
scary things tend to scare me too much so i prolly wouldn't have played it anyways :\
really cool though :)


I finished it with the ending where the house is demolished but idk where to go from there


Nothing good comes from a electrical fire
you are locked to the house being sold ending if you do that.


are there any packs you can download doom with this installed? I don't have doom, and I have no idea or time to mod it


Step 1:
Download GZDoom
Step 2:
Download Doom https://www.mediafire.com/file/g00s2h5wrtfsrkz/DOOM_WADS.rar/file
Step 3:
Download myhouse.wad from DoomWorld
Step 4:
Drag the wad on to the GZDoom application so it will run and also read the arg that comes with myhouse


Just watch the docuvideo by Power Pak on YouTube


>>28819 thank u ❤
>>28820 wouldn't just watching it kinda ruin the experience?


better love story then twilight.


Childish escapism dressed up as mysterious e-art


you can say that about all forms of art Though

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