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Babe wake up, it's time for your new anti-communist survival rpg rts train game.


Will they have the guts to even mention the massacres that the Czechoslovak Legion has commited during their revolt?
Spoiler: they won't


Looks fun. Hopefully just because the story takes place literally on railroads, it wont be just linear campaign, and you get some choices as to which way you wish to go, detours, and interactions with historical events outside of shooting things.


Hope I will one day see a game set during russian civil war where you lead a warband of communists on an armored train


<Stockpile and trade supplies, make new allies, and overcome crisis after crisis as civil war rages across the vast snowfields of Siberia.
Maybe there will be some faction relation system, or at least options during missions to ally yourself with different warring groups.


Would be interesting if there would be a route to defect to the side of Reds, though that would be likely a "bad" route given the events that inspired the whole game's plot was the Czechs escaping the Reds rather than the Whites. I do not see much how a bunch of pro-Entente volunteers could do a 180° like that other than perhaps a faction aboard the train raising a mutiny akin to the one that happened aboard the Potemkin ironclad.


sounds like an interesting concept
probably not no


The trailer narration says "…through territory disputed by Red and White armies.". As far as I know Czechoslovak legions never fought against whites, but the wording implies that will be an option in the game.


I'm guessing both sides will just be your enemies, didn't the whites fight each other sometimes?

This game is by a Czech dev team so I doubt they will sully their nationalist opus with communism sympathising


Most likely wont, and I dont want them to. I want me as a player to get an option to choose, but I dont need a video game to propagandize to me.

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