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/games/ - Games

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>ass creed puts marx in one of their games
>chinlets get to have it both ways
>they get to say "our society is literally marxist they put him in the mainstream bibeo gam!!! i'm oppressed!!!"
>they also get to upload videos of themselves killing marx where every comment is the same upvoted soyfaced reddit joke of "you sir have saved ten gorrillions"


also marx in the game is a cuck that goes >Just VOOT for communism.
but anyway, Chinlets will try to own commies in any way they get a chance, it's a obsession really.


it is almost as though capitalist cultural hegemony has evolved to commodify its own opposition


File: 1687330250001.png (72.69 KB, 281x324, 1374417284876.png)

Games are for kids, do something better with your time.


Yeah rightoid bros, we sure own the lefties by playing corporate goyslop #344404. This truly is a red pill moment where we have based consumerism vs bad consumerism


>Yeah leftoid bros, we sure own the righties by making rightoid whinge thread #344404.


>smug manga girl
Sorry kid, but you are in no position to argue for anyone else being infantile.

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