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/games/ - Games

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Is it possible for this type of game to have a good playerbase? The concept is amazing but it has possibly the worst online community I’ve seen in a game. I just want a comfy co-op space outpost autism simulator without dealing with uncreative griefers or admin abuse.

Goonstation was the closest thing to this back I the glory days

Not nowadays, half the people who play this kind of game are addicted to gmod trolling videos where grown men bully little kids

because they're funny, fuckin nerd

Nah, the best gmod trolling videos are the ones that go on "Nazi dark rp" servers and gets banned

But yeah, some ss13 servers (the strict ones) are fine but the rest are edgy trash

for online autism milsims are your best option

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I 100% agree with you OP. I'm a long time player. Nazis, Erpers, furries and racists have ruined this game. I also want to detach after work and have fun ass space adventures.
I've been tinkering on my own fork from bay.
find me on fbi.gov or reddit. I've made alot of OC for the game and ported a bunch of stuff from other servers into bay.
I want a more ancap hands off open carry experience.

Heres some of the OC I made, I posted it on reddit a few days ago.

Is Barotrauma not it?

are you the guy shilling that kiwi server (baycode)?
I think 4chan vgstation is bay-based too, and it is the cleanest ss13 experience I have seen so far. maybe I'm biased because I discovered the game when it looked more or less like bay

you mean the snorefests?
>be miner
>science asks for iron
>mine iron and some other stuff I find along the way
>ADMIN: science only asked for iron, stop power-gaming. last warning
that's the average experience on "hrp" servers (there is no real role-play, by the way)

I'm not the kiwi guy. I did see a post from him on 4chan tho.
I think anyone with kiwi in their name is probably some right wing internet goblin.

Excuse my double posti just wanted to say unless your greifing, or being some sort of racist or erp person I won't really interact with you as admin

>griefing simulator

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work in progress.
Ive got including my self, 4 coders, a writer and a paid spriter on board now. Things are progressing, people joining the fbi.gov slowly.
Feels good to in colab on a creative project with like minded people.

Also there seems to be a dude with schitzophrenia going around attempting poorly to impersonate vg. their very obvious, they heavily use ai art and text.
Watch out, take your meds people.

>no interbay english server
Why is Lifeweb my only option? Why, why why?

so the same as SS13 then?

Every time I tried to play it, nobody was doing anything related to their role and just running around murdering each other, IMO it would be a lot more fun to actually play seriously unless you have one of the sabotage roles, but that's just me I guess

One of the rules on my server is you have to do your job.
If you want to go exploring and digging in maintence we have roles for you.
If you want to be in your department and being a good little worker bee, we have roles for you.

I also do not like when half the staff has fucked off to do non job related activities,

what servers did you play? this was not my experience at all

this sounds like a snorefest. I don't even work that much at my real life job
like, where do you expect the round to happen if everyone stays in their jobby-box?

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idk it was years ago.

I guess there should be some flexibility, but like, if you just want to run around spamming and killing people that's just toxic and boring IMO. The jobs in SS13, from what I remember, are complicated and nuanced enough that you can easily spend time doing them without getting that bored. But I only played years ago like I said.

That sounds cool but isn't it kind of against 'ancap open carry experience'?

Also, what's wrong with furries anyways.

I'm saying there are roles for both people who enjoy their job and we have roles for people who enjoy fucking off to dig through the trash or explore.

>what's wrong with furries anyways
the constant ERP in maint,that results in retards going on a crusade against "the furry menace" and blowing up half the station

and I'm telling you that's dumb and boring. you artificially pigeonhole players into shitters or jobbies. just let people play, at most make it a rule that, the more important the job you pick, the more you have to stick to it

here is an idea if you want to incentivize order and a workplace role-play environment: make job milestones weight on next round antagonist chances
for example, if research was completed at the end of round 123, all the players from the science department that round have a +20% chance of rolling antagonist on their next round (or round 124, whatever is easier to code). surviving until the end, or making it to the escape shuttle could also contribute to the individual antagonist roll

most people (but not all) want to play the antagonist, and most jobs can be more or less quantified, specially on baycode, so you can make a system of incentives to stir your server culture without strict rule lawyering or policing. I think lifeweb had something like this (character score) at some point

Bless you, these are always the best servers.
That said, I see a lot of grief and anguish in your future over wrangling the playerbase.

You sound like a shithead who can't play with others without spazzing out. None of that gamification hoopla you're suggesting is necessary, either.
>most people want to play the antagonist
Be honest, how often do you valid hunt?

Thats a neat idea but i dont like it.
I do have some ideas.for fun stuff that carries over a bit between rounds. But its just fun stuff.
I've seen antag tokens on other servers and other barriers to roles like that.
Fuck it, im mostly just gonna put the hoger command roles behind a fairly low hour requirement. Same with xenos and antags.
I want a much less strict experience than bay station vanilla.
I got the wiki set up last night but it's in it's default state rn.
Slowly over the coming weeks more will come together. I've got several people now continuing in a few ways. The wheels are slowly beginning to turn

Excuse my typos I wrote this on my phone.
I basically just want to ensure people can play the game first. Other than that you can play any role.
No high as fuck hour req to play captain for example.

SS13 is kino! Shame i'm banned everywhere because of griefer falseflag.

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