>>36957and I'm telling you that's dumb and boring. you artificially pigeonhole players into shitters or jobbies. just let people play, at most make it a rule that, the more important the job you pick, the more you have to stick to it
here is an idea if you want to incentivize order and a workplace role-play environment: make job milestones weight on next round antagonist chances
for example, if research was completed at the end of round 123, all the players from the science department that round have a +20% chance of rolling antagonist on their next round (or round 124, whatever is easier to code). surviving until the end, or making it to the escape shuttle could also contribute to the individual antagonist roll
most people (but not all) want to play the antagonist, and most jobs can be more or less quantified, specially on baycode, so you can make a system of incentives to stir your server culture without strict rule lawyering or policing. I think lifeweb had something like this (character score) at some point