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Old thread fell off at some point. I've been trying out the hardcore addon for classic and it's been a lot more fun than I thought it would be. Only level 20 so far on my warrior but it makes what's usually a long slog to max a lot more dramatic with trackers for its own achievements like only using certain gear or not using professions. It's pretty sobering seeing all the death alerts too, knowing what a huge time investment it is for someone to get to the 50-60 range only to die from fall damage or something. There's also a big sense of community with all the hardcore guilds and people tend to look out for each other even if they're not "officially" allowed to, which is cool.

Not being able to trade (even if to hand off things you can't use), no grouping unless in a duo/trio or in a dungeon, and only being allowed to run each dungeon once before max is annoying, but I'm hoping the official servers will be able to smooth out the rough edges whenever they come out. I don't think they should make trading/dungeons unrestricted, maybe just put a level band on grouping (no group member can be more than 4 levels apart from anyone else, for example) and prevent trading gold before max level while making traded items soulbound so they can't get passed around.


I really wish blizzard applied contemporary ui and camera design to wows default menu

Wows UI without add-ons is horrendous and has multiple elements that serve as pleonasms to any player that's ever played the game. Not to mention the lack of an interact key or dynamic but subtle camera motion makes the third person elements of the game feel uniquely outdated and janky, even in comparison to older 2000s titles


What happens in hardcore when you want to raid? Surely people aren't getting raid kills without at least a few deaths here and there. Ragnaros bitch slaps you and thats it? All that work gone?


Most people stop playing at 60 but there are some hardcore raiding guilds. When things go south everyone drops group and petri flasks to get automatically removed from the instance after a minute but there are still mistimes and one-shots after threat drops. Either way, once you die you're out unless you appeal it due to a disconnect, glitch, or grief. The world first hardcore thunderfury died the other day to a bad pull and that was it, he has a backup character but needs to do the raid gearing all over again.


I played classic to 80 (first time playing wow) and couldn't break into the mythic dungeons or raiding scene. I understood all the wotlk dungeons but just didn't have the gusto to keep doing dailies to slowly gather the gear necessary for my priest (which is absurd imo, I'm just spamming shields, my gear shouldn't matter that much anyways)


>Most people stop playing at 60
if you even got there you'll never stop, most people quit way earlier for other games. If you grinded to 60 your likely to only ever play the game periodically since wow goes from being a community run game with a lot of storytelling elements for its relatively simplistic gameplay to a massive chore with all the fomo activities

It's not as bad as it was in BFA and I don't believe blizzard can actually stoop that low for wow again, but it's still there and personally I found the best updates for wow come not with the addition of new content but refinement of content already present. Ie the action camera and tab targeting tools, dragonflight mechanics, a little controversial but dungeon finders to just quicky start raiding with friend for giggles etc.


I meant for hardcore the majority of people stop playing at 60, often times they'll reroll another class right after reaching max, usually with other restrictions (no equipping certain armor/weapons, no using certain spells/abilities, beating bosses before certain levels, stuff like that). Some enjoy raiding and everything that comes with it, but most people are just there to level.


Oh those types of players

Then nothing's wrong it's the playstyle of that demographic because they're likely veterans that just want to play the game again in a new way out of passion for it similar to how I replay old single player games with new challenges or mods out of my love for them. I'm sure there's plenty of players that anon or ou can reach that wanna raid for the fun of it


>I'm [x], my gear shouldn't matter that much anyways
oh sweet summer child


Leveling a warrior under those conditions sounds horrifying. I wouldn't engage anything without full health, bandages, and fear on the easiest to reach keybind.


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Most warriors pick up engineering for the utility, and once you get used to the much slower and more methodical pace it's not so bad. It can be jarring going to that from a class that can AoE farm like mages, though. Looking at some of the stats people collected and from my own experience, survival rate is surprisingly balanced across classes past level 20 or so. Warrior and hunter are the most popular classes so they have the most deaths; a lot of hunters die before they get their pets and a ton of (horde) warlocks die going into skull rock for their voidwalkers rather than doing the much easier undercity version of the quest.


oof. poor warlocks.
I'm on the fence about trying it. Might be a good way to deal with my altitis. I mostly raid on FFXIV these days anyways.


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i stopped playing cuz thje sub is kinda expensive here in brazil, and for me the game isnt as fun as it was


There's a PTR that should be up later today if you want to try it out. It sounds like they're keeping trading and the auction house unrestricted, which shouldn't be a problem early on but 6 months down the line it'll probably turn the challenge into a joke with people just mailing stuff to their alts to twink them out.


Some drama in the hardcore community as a guy intentionally wiped an entire Naxx raid (including himself) on one of the only bosses that can't be petri'd out of. Not really clear why they invited him when he's been notorious for the last 4 years to go around fucking people over but it's clear he was playing the long game to reach this point.


What a loser. I bet he has nothing going for him in life.


kinda epic ngl


Every single design decision that blizzard has had to go back on or regret making can be traced down to a single idea, one wow shares with multiple other MMOs. Wow is designed like a linear game with a fixed conclusion in a game that’s not supposed to end. If you want to know what this looks like compare world of Warcrafts quest lines to RuneScape 2s. RuneScape 2 has quest lines that function similar to gta 5s, although some do connect to the main story of the game most quests don’t relate to any specific grand goal or character arc, they all serve as one off stories about different aspects of the world as a whole and how the player goes about dealing with the problems prosed in them is their own choice. Thus quests in RuneScape 2 rarely ever feel bloated or pointless to the game, because they’re all optional, and serve as content the player can playthrough at any time at any pace they want. Wow on the other hand has a lot of quests that play a lot differently, most are integrated to some major plot point in warcrafts lore, to some grand journey. When the quests go off topic to these stories they feel completely out of place, they feel pointless and serve only to drag out playtime for the player and they don’t have to be but that’s just how they were designed relative to the game. This disparity between how the game is fundamentally set up - an MMO to hop in and play for as long as you want whenever you want - and how blizzard designs new content is what drives out the fun in a lot of expansions, often completely indirectly and this is why so many new decisions put into it get scrapped. Increasing level caps, scrapped due to p2w shit and also just the fact that levelling for that long is boring and hard to balance on the developer end due to bloat. Azerite gear and item leveling, has to be scrapped and completely reworked because it feels out of place and over complicates progression. Heirlooms and the old skill tree, ends up getting reworked or even removed in some places because again it feels out of place, like it’s bloating the game even if the game isn’t meant to be finished without it.

What I’m saying here is that wows fundamental problems game design wise stems from a disconnect between the fact that it’s an MMO meant to be played indefinitely while having content designed to be finished once like in an ordinary game. What ends up happening is all that content ends up getting clogged with system after mechanic after feature and it all feels weirdly out of place and pointlessly included in a game that isn’t meant to be finished anyways. thus the experience can end up being exhausting.

<pic completely unrelated


Classic Hardcore is out. Anyone else playing?


Some madman is remaking Runescape in WoW and is starting an alpha within a month. The world scale seems pretty wonky in 3D. Very little verticality as well.

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