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i dont have my hopes up for this remake
Even tho the story of the game is already stablished, Bloober seems to not understand what psychological horror means, take for example the blair witch game, in the good ending you kill yourself, to bloober team people with trauma are so dangerous, they're better off dead, the solution to mental health issues to them is bullet to the frontal lobe, if this game is a "re-interpretation" of Silent hill 2, we can expect the most shallow portrail of mental health issues, that game has good portrayal of menetal health issues, and dont even get me started on the medium game and their portrayal of a survivor of sexual assault and how they handle that narrative.
and before people say "oh what about the in water ending"
Difference is that In Water is never stated to be the definitive solution to the Jame's situation.

In The Medium, you only have one option and the game tries to hammer it in your face that its the only """""logical""""" way out. Even the achievement for beating that game acts like its a definitive solution to the topic, which is gross and irresponsible.

Considering Bloober Team already doesnt understand, or willfully changed the main character's behavior just from the trailers alone, do you REALLY think theyll handle the other characters and endings well?


Timely to make this thread when this article about Bloober's "next phase" dropped today
>Layers of Fear was Bloober Team’s final psychological horror game. The studio didn’t advertise this fact, but behind the scenes, a switch flipped weeks ago: When the remastered and expanded Layers of Fear collection came out on June 15th, it marked the end of a phase that was known internally as Bloober Team 2.0
>Going forward, developers at Bloober will rely on action and player input to generate disquiet, and they hope that this nudge in creative direction will drastically expand the studio’s audience. This mechanics-first ethos was actually implemented internally in 2019, when Bloober began building the remake of Silent Hill 2 for Konami.
>“We decided that our next titles should be much more mass-market oriented,” Babieno said. “We’d like to talk with more people. We’d like to deliver our ideas, with our DNA, not by environment or storytelling, but by action. So all of our future titles will have a lot of gameplay mechanics. They will be much bigger.”




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I do not have high hopes for it or anything Konami-related in general. That they outsourced it to some shitty sellout Polish indie horror dev instead of doing it in-house is tantamount to how much they barely care about the result as long as it sells. Fuck em.


I have disliked all of the recent slew of video game remakes by default, but the entire idea of remaking Silent Hill 2 is especially ill-conceived. It's famously aged very well and is generally considered one of the best games ever released, if not outright the best. Exactly what value is added with a remake? The only possible way it can go is down. Even if Bloober Team did everything right, it would almost certainly still be inferior to the original. And they are very unlikely to do "everything right", considering their middling track record and news like >>29054. Maybe the franchise reboot Konami is doing at the moment will have some positive effects by way of the other announced games, but the Remake is 100% a mistake just as a principle.


Another pinball machine would have been less of an insult

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