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I just found out that H. G. Wells was the original manchild
I was looking for his "russia in the shadows" book on libgen when I found this book he wrote about a tabletop strategy game he was inventing
there it goes, the only science fiction author I didn't consider cringe


File: 1687887861341.pdf (8.07 MB, 165x255, classwargames-web.pdf)


>the only science fiction author I didn't consider cringe
<It was the British author, H.G. Wells, that coined the expression: "The war that will end war" to describe World War One, which had broken out in Europe in September 1914. Wells believed the conflict would create a new world order that would make future conflict impossible.
also he was racist even tho he changed his mind later


Tabletop strategy is actually proletarian though cuz it's a hobby that used to be reserved only for aristocrats playing chess


eventually I found his "russia in the shadows", which gave me actual secondhand embarrassment whenever we mentioned his personal political fantasies. but I don't know, I prefer to live under the illusion that his disagreements with marxism were a facade to protect his career
I read most of his fiction works on high school a long time ago and I assumed he was a marxist because all of them were basically historical materialism projected into fictional futures



thanks for sharing this book anon

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