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I have looked all over the catalog both on /games/ and /music/ and have not found the VG OST thread so I guess it got wiped by the bumplimit, so here we go again.

Shameless OP bump.
Painkiller had a banger OST for sure, almost right up there with Stuart Chatwood's Prince of Persia: Warrior Within soundtrack as far as nu-metal game soundtracks go. It fits the game's pace, style and setting like a glove, mixing industrial, metal and other influences in the same way the game itself mixes the multiple time periods in its Purgatory setting as well as arsenal (shuriken thrower/lightning gun combo, anyone?) while also complimenting the game's intense combat style with its aggressiveness. A bit rough around the edges, but still damn awesome.

I'll post a few, this one is a collection from the trilogy, would recommend checking out all 3 games' soundtracks

posting one more, as much as the game felt incomplete the OST was fantastic

smt never fails with their osts
dancing crazy murder is nice but smt 2 is just a vibe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VW9b6Y5YyOE&list=PLivGIjvUj3M36qR_5QwPZv-8lh8w8BXhU

Childhood memories. Plus, I've been playing the second game a bit.

One thing I like about the gen 4 games was how the ost has this mellow atmosphere to it the other games (and even the remakes of D/P) don't, which is most likely due to the soundfont they were using at the time.

Monolithsoft tries way too hard with their osts, not that I'm complaining

SMT 2 has an amazing soundtrack, but you're right, SMT never misses in regards to OST

Shame about NMH2 itself, but the ost was great.

Chapter 4. On the Ground is a great alarm if you're looking for one

Hey hey! Come on over - have some fun with CRAZY TAXI!

permanently burned into my brain

red:wave2: Buying gf

In the darkness of far future, there is only heavy metal!

This reminded me of an absolute banger of an OST Chaos Gate had. I feel like gaming music devolved since 90s. Idk if its because people were more willing to experiment in a new medium, or if technological limitations forced them into it, but soundtracks from back then tend to have so much more personality compared to generic orchestral soundtracks of 2000s onward.

Kane lived, Kane lives, Kane will live!
Of the whole C&C series, I think Tiberian Sun had the most diverse OST that fit the alien post-apocalyptic setting like a glove. From the gritty yet triumphant marching dark industrial track of Valves which might just as well be GDI's theme, to the energetic Egyptian techno beat of Pharotek to somber and droning ambient tone of Ion Storm, every track captures a particular facet of a Earth transformed and warped by a contagious extraterrestrial crystalline substance as it is plunging into the not really final conflict between the Global Defense Initiative and the Brotherhood of Nod.

Fuck it took me like three attempts to format this properly.

File: 1691936723375.png (48.08 KB, 500x450, file.png)

KHInsider's archive has a good collection of original soundtracks from video games.

There's that Quake 4 mod called Earth-Quake that replaced the game's mostly forgettable soundtrack with a host of new metal tracks made by Neurological. It's not Sonic Mayhem, but its still pretty damn great.

You know Calamity does not fuck around when even the pre-hardmode bosses have badass themes.

The most gangster video game soundtrack ever created.

Particularly love the first three tracks, Celtic ones.

Trepang2 DLC OST dropped just yesterday.

Just installed Ancestors Legacy, havent even played it yet, but the main theme rocks so hard I had to immediately post it here.

*pink pajama guys*

got this stuck in my head due to that one topic about genshin (dont even play it)

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