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🎶 Cruuuuuuuwuuisan DAS RITE come mong go cruisaaaaaaan AWYEAH Lesbo Cruuuuuuisan 🎶

Cruis'n Blast for Nintendo Switch is colorful fast food. First time you race a course feels like your life turning into an amazing action movie. Second time you race the same course is also movie-like, but in a bad way. You suspect that explosions and stuff are rigidly scripted to coincide exactly with where the player is. In time trial you can slow down and see how the game falls apart: Animals slow down just like you, rockets and even falling rocks idle in the air.

Worst of all is how rarely collision detection happens. No experienced gamer expects the collision geometry to be as complex as what you see, especially in a racer that doesn't present itself as a very serious affair, but here the amount of things you just pass through almost touches the negative record for a game made this century (still your the winner, Big Rigs). Massive monsters and explosions can't ever hurt you as human-controlled cars take no damage from anything, which is a tolerable design choice for a 90s style arcade racer IMHO, but you don't even slow down and just clip through. Most of the chaos is just purely optical. Do you like the squid item in Mario Kart that does nothing but obstruct your view a bit? Would you love a racer to throw many variations of the squid idea at you? Well that's what you get here with the rockets & and explosions & dinos & UFOs and nothing else. 30 years before this Switch game F-Zero on the SNES had tracks with wind coming from the side you had to steer against, in Cruis'n Blast you have a storm or torrent of water crossing the track and there is no effect whatsoever on the steering.

You play a course for the first time on the lowest difficulty and in the last few seconds you make it from third place to first place. Then you practice and practice and practice and level up your car and what not, play the same course on the lowest difficulty and… in the last few seconds you make it from third place to first place. The amount of rubberbanding is off the charts here. The beloved Mario Kart is notorious for rubberbanding too, but most people playing that can achieve an early and persistent lead in first place on the lowest difficulty and better gamers can do it on higher difficulty as well. Here it is impossible even on lowest difficulty. Buy five extra "blasts" (nitros) to add to your default three. Use them all up at the beginning of a longer track and see that this does not put you in the top three for even a moment. Do the first half of a race without steering at all and then put in some effort and see how much rubberbanding happens. This is just asinine. (I've even seen one play a hacked version with infinite blasting reaching 1st place on normal mode only in the last 10 seconds of a 1:38 race.) Hey game designers, if you don't like the thought of a player getting the lead early, just spread out the starting positions.

There is a mode that demands you do four races in a row and it gives you an infinite amount of race retry options. Money to win literally lies on the street and you collect it even if you don't quite manage to touch it. It is all too easy to make CPU-controlled cars explode and then doing it isn't useful unless the end of the track is in sight because they immediately respawn (sometimes in front of you). You can do a side wheelie, but where are the narrow openings for shortcuts that would make this move really useful? Falling off the track doesn't lead to a game over or a restart of the race or even the loss of two seconds and a teleport back because… falling off the track simply cannot happen since your car bumps into invisible walls or just floats in the air above a chasm. What these design decisions add up to is this: There is no feeling of mastery here and no thrill of pushing your luck.

So is this game a solid 10 or what? HAHA. No slipstream effect, no other game modes beyond the basics, no ghost data in time trial, no option to watch a race replay, no sexy people waving flags and handing me awards, no message from the makers telling me I'm a good boy or girl or robot for collecting all the keys on the tracks. There are loading times even for just getting to the main menu or redoing the same race (there were games on PS1 like Wip3out that avoided this). All courses are A to B only (unlike Cruis'n World on the N64). What else can I moan about? Oh yeah, for a game with such a goofy over-the-top style, there is a remarkable lack of air control. But if you only play it for half an hour, it feels like one of the KOOLEST GAMES EVER M8. So despite everything I said above, it's an excellent choice for kids having a party. No need to tell them that the odds for getting pushed down a cliff or destroyed by a meteor or eaten by a giant ape are zero ;) Let them sweat in terror I say. I rate this a 3/10 for serious gamers such as myself since it has so much rubberbanding and so much stuff you just clip through it almost ceases to be a game! With a few simple tweaks it could have easily been a solid 7. Oh well.


Anyone got a rec for a Switch game that's like Daytona or Ridge Racer? Or Cruis'n Blast but good…

Yes I'm pissed and I'm going full Karen and will continue complaining about every single little annoying thing I can think of with this game.

Arcade mode doesn't make sense as a distinct mode. It's just the courses from the arcade version that are a bit longer than the rest and arcade courses are only available for single race and not time trial or tour and you can't set the difficulty here (4 levels for the other tracks in single race and tour mode). This "mode" doesn't have different physics as far as I can tell. The checkpoint system from the arcade is absent, just like with the other courses. What's the point of separating these courses from the rest?

Speaking of courses, there are the 5 known from the arcade plus 24 "more" that I don't know how to count because it is some iceworld and Hollywood and remixes thrown together with some variety like where the course starts and ends plus optical effects. They should have differentiated the course variations more (boost-pad patterns!). Feels like the equivalent of about a dozen courses.

Everything about it feels so flat: Drift-boosting is so easy it feels just stupid. Unusually restrictive invisible walls on courses are everywhere. Alternative routes are neither cleverly hidden nor hard to access; likewise with the keys & dollar bills (stuff literally glows through objects).

The HUD is dumb, too. Thank you devs for telling me I'm currently numbah 1 out of 1 in freaking time trial. While I'm racing you constantly poke the corner of my eye with the information that I already found the three keys on the course.

Couldn't you devs put the key graphic in your stupid loading screen. And I want to fiddle around while the course is loading so I should be able select a song title and viewpoint already during the loading before the race. And an air refresher should be dangling on that screen and I should be able to make it swing back and forth.

There are three viewpoints and they all suck. First person is kinda awkward as usual and reverts to just showing the car when things get too wild for it. Normal view obstructs the most interesting part of the scenery with your car. It would be a neat perspective if only your car were made entirely of wire frames. The zoomed out view in this game is more about pointlessly showing a lot of asphalt behind your car and less about looking down from higher above.

Don't tell me I'm mad about a game because I need to git gud. I already played through all tours on the highest difficulty where the game went full kusoge on me and I got gold everywhere anyway and then nothing happened, no little message telling me I'm a good Karen. Zip. This is a hatecrime 🎮😩

…Did I git gud though? What is there to even potentially get gud at? Just don't be tempted to boost because the spot looks attractive for boosting. What your eyes tell you is an illusion. There is only you and the trollish rubberband AI. Only boost near the end + use your unlimited race-retry until you get first place. More a game of patience than anything. Some rubberbanding is fine by me, it's oldschool and fitting, but in CRUISNIAMASSBLASTED the norm is that the first & third winner finish less than one second apart (something like that should not happen more often than 1/4 of the races IMHO), quite often there is less of a second between first & fifth even. A difference of a few hundredth of a second is not that rare either. Sometimes the game itself seems confused by how narrow the finishing order gets.


>>29541 (me)
>They should have differentiated the course variations more (boost-pad patterns!).
To be fair there is more than zero variation with the boost-pad patterns (e. g. only on Dino Tour does the Rio course have the boost-pads at the end of the big jump after the statue), I just think there should have done more of that.

Forgot to mention that AI cars in front of you interact even less with the environment than you do. There are several scenes where you must crash through something to continue the course and you are always the first to do so, even while in last place. The AI cars just pass through the stuff like ghosts. So here is something where a modest amount of rubberbanding would be the intuitive and realistic effect (cars in front of you move shit out of the way of the cars behind them, so…) and then they don't bother to model that (just like with the non-existence of the slipstream effect). Instead of some "natural" rubberbanding they have this massive amount of insane rubberbanding where almost everything depends on the last few seconds.

Oh and forgot to mention also that there is a stupid system where you gain XP and "level up" your car which is not something you actually feel because of all the 💩🗡☣💣💀 rubberbanding, but it's a stupid idea anyway. If there is a sequel I hope they will yeet the XP.

I think older Cruis'n was more sophisticated (and that series is not known for sophistication) because of the checkpoint-time requirement and being able to set back the checkpoint clock by doing stunts, and also because of the option of using manual transmission that is now gone.

Just like with the Cruis'n home ports in the day of the N64 you can't make animals splatter like you can in the arcade. No mirror mode. And you can't honk. I want to honk at the f'n dinosaurs.

Still have a glimmer of hope for the next iteration because I'm clearly insane.

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