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I don’t think there’s any case in gaming history where a game this large and this ambitious managed to not just have a shit launch but end up completely abondoned even with having core elements of its gameplay finished. I know the development cycle for this was fucked up, I know EA and BioWare could give a rats ass for this title but knowing they just flat out gave up, not just move on to another IP like it but give up on everything they wanted with it and never bring any of the concepts suggested by what could’ve been one of the most unique third person shooters to date, it hurts. I’ve been waiting for another game since elden ring that could make me feel the same way about open worlds as anthem during its trailers could. God damb what could’ve happened with this…


Eh, I’d rather just play zelda


I just want to fly in a game that has a world like made in abyss and BioWare killed that dream before I even knew I wanted it


The trailer was just a guy zooming around in a jetpack. When it was made, they didn't even have a core gameplay loop. Jetpacks weren't even in the game at that point; they only put it in because some exec said they needed something for the E3 showcase and he liked jetpacks as a concept.
Anthem Did Not Take Place.
What is there to be caught up on?


For me, it was what could’ve been. World design wise there actually isn’t another game designed like anthem at all. The games world has the verticality of a world like made in abyss, with the freedom of movement seen in an iron man game. There aren’t any 3D games with that kind of world and movement design outside of far cry 4 thanks to its mountainous terrain, zip line and skydiving mechanics. That’s what made me want the game to actually succeed so badly because it really was the most unique title coming out at the time, and it wasn’t like there were alot of games being released back then either, hell, there still aren’t many games coming out today, much less ones that functioned the same way. I just really need a major title with something unique and a world that feels different from any other

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