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Yes or no?


He is not outright with his views, even though his career is dead and he has become high class for a petty bourgeois. He is not a marxist, though he understand story writing, how to use abstract themes to pull on heart strings and propose cerebral proponderances. His art is a critique of reality, thats what makes it effective. Therefore, it naturally follows that marxist adjacent themes appear in his art. He himself, in reality, is not a marxist


>auteur vidya gaem developer
>known maybe more than anything else for inserting weird shit into the games that only makes sense to him
If he was a marxist it would be completely obvious. The games would be full of references to communism, but all it has is people dickriding Ché, the most normie friendly and aesthetically co-opted figure in the whole canon.


No. He's a fucking hollywood nerd. He's just your typical Japanese lib. Western "leftist" have this weird weeb fixation of trying to find some "Marxist" figure in Japanese pop culture.


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Yoko Taro has a higher chance of being a marxist, so imagine how low are the overall chances.


Nah, I doubt he is. The stuff he made or directed production of is more in the territory of liberal critiques of particular excesses of the capitalist system like the military-industrial complex,, media manipulation, neocolonialism, proxy wars, etc. It is more of a cyberpunk or Oliver Stone kind of deal rather than fundamental critiques of capitalism itself besides the "war economy" thing that is mentioned every now and then.


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Have you ever read Kojima's article on Conservapedia? It's a bag of laughs.

>He was also a radical leftist, with his stories since Metal Gear Solid 4 and to a lesser extent Metal Gear Solid 2 often preferring total anarchy over law and order, promoting post-modernism as well as various nihilistic messages, as well as condemning patriotism.

>Agness Kaku, the former localizer for Metal Gear Solid 2, has also noted the hypocrisy of Kojima commenting on and condemning American soldiers and not even bothering to look back at his own home country of Japan, even citing the Japanese Red Army's involvement in the Lod Airport Massacre in Israel in 1972, as well as the death of a Japanese mercenary during the War of Iraq.
>His leftist ideology was especially and most infamously apparent in Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, which included the Sandinista National Liberation Front as being good guys, the CIA being demonized, various leftist talking points against America, praising the Argentine Marxist terrorist Che Guevara, and to a lesser extent Mao Zedong and Jean Paul Sartre, praising May 1968, and some LGBT themes.
>On a similar note, Hideo Kojima during an autograph session gave the hand signal used by the left-wing Brazilian gang Comando Vermelho (Red Commando)
>He also gave a positive review of The Last Jedi, with his making clear his radical leftist viewpoints by adhering to the view that revolutions entail, among other things, the oppressed overthrowing the oppressor.


Praising last Jedi makes you communist lmao


>Japanese Red Army's involvement in the Lod Airport Massacre in Israel in 1972
How is that hypocritical? It's based.


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Not a Marxist but still a leftist anti imperialist. Deathstranding straight up depicts a moneyless society based on mutual aid.


I put him in the same category as Eiichiro Oda (One Piece) where he's sympathetic to leftism and could be a crypto-socialist, but probably not explicitly a Marxist.

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