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For a studio like from software that has so much experience with visually interesting world design it’s astounding knowing they couldn’t beat anthem. This isn’t an issue with FOR its just a reality of how much potential was wasted on the ladder. It’s crazy knowing how much was just fucking lost the day BioWare fully pulled the plug on their own game, and even crazier knowing the closest title to come close to fulfilling what the game was trying to be still couldn’t hit it almost half a decade after it launched. Fuck fuck, I’ll still look into playing rubicon but man the pang of sadness felt knowing there was a game just like it that could’ve been so much fucking better and in some ways is in comparison to the one released today hurts, so much.


You should check out Warframe too maybe. Its not exactly like Anthem, but Bioware took inspiration from when making it.


The issue with anthem extends not just to its mechanics but the way it’s world was designed. There isn’t another game that’s been like it that has come out ever. Like fuck, I’m weak for games with interesting world design and plenty of unique encounters but fuck, I can’t honestly say there’s another game with a world like anthems. Searching for it is pointless and only goes into the same feeing that an insurmountable amount of potential was lost after BioWare pulled the plug on it completely.


Yeah, I haven't played it but I like how many cliffs, ravines, canyons and other natural features maps in Anthem seem to have. Something that a lot of games with vertical mobility kinda lack but could use, mech sims especially with their scale. Mechwarrior games for example when they do feature these its almost always rather generic mountains that barely have any cliffs big enough to land on with the jumpjets.


File: 1692969412662.jpg (149.74 KB, 1440x1286, rxhvaaby04kb1.jpg)


Da fucks this nuyka talking about anthem for?


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