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I always thought Nyakumi had shit character designs
for MMD nonsense,I'm a Birdway enjoyer


>Nyakumi over Birdway
They're the same person if I recall correctly.


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Full video: TOMAHAWKING SPIDERS FOR TRESPASSING | Earth Defense Force 4.1: The Shadow of New Despair (Reupload)


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Consider… the coconut


goblin slayer moment


Based lad.

had to scroll up because I thought you meant Nerds for a sec



this is such a reddit anecdote, i have to assume the coconut is a random test texture for debugging the decal system or something, and the apocryphal "developer comment" is a completely fabricated unfunny lie a ledditor thought would be side splittingly hilarious


Nords are nerds.


go do your reddit homework


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Odysee logo


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Nice dubs




Tbh all these themes get touched upon in FO4, but due to Bethesda's inability to proper work on anything that is not heroic fantasy they all either get sidelined by the theatrics or are addressed in such a rudimentary manner that the message ultimately gets lost.


Thanks bruv




astrology is not the same as astronomy dummy


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>People will no longer be, as they are today, subordinated to a single branch of production, bound to it, exploited by it; they will no longer develop one of their faculties at the expense of all others; they will no longer know only one branch, or one branch of a single branch, of production as a whole. Even industry as it is today is finding such people less and less useful.
>Industry controlled by society as a whole, and operated according to a plan, presupposes well-rounded human beings, their faculties developed in balanced fashion, able to see the system of production in its entirety.
>The form of the division of labor which makes one a peasant, another a cobbler, a third a factory worker, a fourth a stock-market operator, has already been undermined by machinery and will completely disappear. Education will enable young people quickly to familiarize themselves with the whole system of production and to pass from one branch of production to another in response to the needs of society or their own inclinations. It will, therefore, free them from the one-sided character which the present-day division of labor impresses upon every individual. Communist society will, in this way, make it possible for its members to put their comprehensively developed faculties to full use. But, when this happens, classes will necessarily disappear. It follows that society organized on a communist basis is incompatible with the existence of classes on the one hand, and that the very building of such a society provides the means of abolishing class differences on the other.
Skyrim is actually existing gommunism
The New Soviet Man is a stealth archer/mage/warrior build who excels at all these things.
Todd hasn't released a new Elder Scrolls because it's simply the highest stage of human development possible. ES6 will simply be Skyrim 2.


is cruelty squad anti-capitalist or just shitposting?

either way i think the shitpost goes into anti-capitalism accidentally.


its anti-capitalist as fuck and pretty sincere, the artists otherwork features themes of nato-absurdism.

Its like anti-capitalist art mixed with body horror, 10/10


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My dick was the last bastion of cumming in your mouth


It's a, "capitalism realism" inspired, bourgeois moral about dystopia based only in the authors petty anxieties. By all means praise it for being different, but textually and subtextually, it is bohemian to the core: utter trash. Also, that morons here lavish it with praise is no incident.


What game is better then?


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Textually and subtextually, your "critique" is buzzword-ridden trash without any example or case studies, fitting a true /v/ermin faggot.
Here's your (you).



Lmao this is such cope


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>still no argument


That other anon had an argument. What argument do you have aside from getting butthurt on behalf of a politically mediocre video game?


It's fine to not like Cruelty Squad but if you feel that it is "textually and subtextually, it is bohemian to the core: utter trash" then I'm curious what game you consider to be more deep.


>then I'm curious what game you consider to be more deep.
Asking an unrelated question isn't a rebuttal


nta but it can be the beginning of one depending on how you answer


It's not about it being "deep" or "good", you dumb cunts. Art is not a hierarchy for crying out loud. Even in my post I praised it by-proxy for being different. What I am attacking is specifically what I wrote:
>It's a bourgeois moral about dystopia based only in the authors petty anxieties.

If you're too stupid to understand my post, maybe don't accuse others of this or that.

Can you fuck off with this poisoning the well shit.



How am I poisoning the well? I'm allowed to reply to the thread, also I basically agree that Cruelty Squad isn't much to write home about wrt its politics, regardless of its other qualities.


Ok so basically you can't point to anything that's better and you're just a hipster?


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Based Rayne, the antifa we need.


I basically avoided playing that game because I don't want to do ship design and if you don't the game is impossible.


>ripping off poor people
>credit check at the gate
Freeside isn't his problem either. It's just a shanty town outside of his strip that the NCR is coping in.


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