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/games/ - Games

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I’ve beat
Just finished Dark souls 2
Far cry 2
MW 1 and 2, (the originals)
Sly cooper
Fancy pants, (every game)
And the first infamous game with my uncle
How many games have you finished?


Oh wait I forgot to include every half life sequel and og quake


Beat or completed? They're two different things.


Eh beaten is good enough for me


Still have postgame stuff to do, but I beat the final boss. Cool game. Apparently I already owned it on itch. Not sure when I'll get to the second one.
Had this one setting in my library forever so I finally decided to clear it since it was short. It's fine for what it is.
>Prayer of the Faithless
Interesting combat for an rpgmaker game, most interesting at the start of the game when your party is small and characters barely have any skills to deal with encounters. By the end of it both of the protags have so many tools they virtually solo encounters and bossfights on their own. Also liked how the bleakness of the setting was handled.
>Fear and Hunger
Got ending E with D'arce but I don't really consider that beating the game. I at least want to go through the city of the gods and beat the game on terror and starvation with another character before I jump into the sequel.


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Off the top of my head:
Beat all the FEAR games and their expansions except the third one. Pretty challenging series, especially Perseus Mandate.
Completed C&C3 Tiberium Wars and Kane's Wrath with all gold medals. Was very hard since some sidequests are quite the bullshit like "get a liquid tiberium truck unharmed through a warzone".
Completed Return to Castle Wolfenstein with all secrets and treasure found. Some locations are pretty tricky to find, but otherwise it was not very difficult.
Beat Singularity and kinda bummed we will never see a sequel to it.


i beat way too many games because i have no life, so i'm gonna list only the games i beat that i rly enjoyed:
Portal 1 & 2
zeldas (M&M, Ooo, wanker, midna(😳), wild breath, cap, past, spirit)
undertale (all endings)
dark souls 1 & 3
twisted metal: black (most endings)


>he did genocide undertale



cant believe he killed all those hot furry beasts


>>30286 i wanted le e
ic sans battle
i hated killing the voluptuous furri
es :C


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A pretty common but good taste. I wish my PC was not so shit and I could play any Dark Souls game without it being on the verge of exploding.
Also, Twisted Metal definitely needs to make a comeback and maybe do a crossover with Carmageddon.


>>30294 thx for the compliment even though you kinda called me a basic bitch ❤❤❤

>I wish my PC was not so shit

just download a new pc

>Twisted Metal definitely needs to make a comeback and maybe do a crossover with Carmageddon

ULTRA true!!!!!!!! :C
& that's a rly cool idea

i have yet to play dork souls 2. i heard it's rly cheap, difficulty-wise, but i liked as 1 and 3, so i should probably play the second one too

never heard of these games, and they look 🔥. good on you for buying small indie games

i have the fear games, and i really liked the first one. which of the expansions for the first game is the better one? i'm thinking about playing one of the expansions

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