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/games/ - Games

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File: 1694768771974.jpg (190.87 KB, 1800x1200, lavaflow360-asset.jpg)


Anybody here plays games over VLAN? I played Terraria over Radmin for some time before and would like to have some more players on board for my modded run. Also, what other games you would like to try also?


Ah, forgot to include that I am in the "Terraria [English]" room and also that I run these mods:
- tModLoader v2023.6.25.36
- Terraria Overhaul
- Terraria Calamity + music mod
- Mr. Plague's Authentic Races
- More Accessory Slots
- Reobtainable
- Boss Intros

The server has no password, so just enter my address and get in.

Unique IPs: 2

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