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/games/ - Games

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File: 1695504103865.jpeg (Spoiler Image,202.51 KB, 828x552, IMG_0303.jpeg)


I feel like it’s important to recognize how this platform fighter both failed to compete with smash bros, it’s biggest competitor brawlhalla, and managed to go through the same player base loss as Nickelodeon all star brawl.
This game had a lot of problems at launch and still does now. It was never finished at launch, the bugs were obvious and the lack of clear physics seen in smash bros and brawl in the movement made the issue way worse for its accessibility. The game doesn’t have many playable characters and most don’t work at all when played in the same setting as others mechanically or visually.
When you throw that in with the fact that it somehow runs worse than smash, isn’t ported over to the switch and multiple other consoles for the sake of backwards compatibility and accessibility like brawlhalla, had issues with server stability and a disagreeable monetization policy, the game was simultaneously having issues pulling in players, and even more retaining them since plenty just couldn’t play the game at all even if graphically speaking it’s not anything special.


Should have had an actual progression and story. One of the biggest flaws in my opinion among multiplayer games is the lack of incentive to be a pro, a lot of them encourage playing, but competitively they are lacking and competitive players are the ones who will keep on playing and paying.

Game died when they lengthened xp requirements to level up by 50% for all characters.
They took an already grindy game in which you have to unlock perks for every character and made it even more of a grind.
Unironically a game killed by the idiocy and unrelenting greed of the dev team. One of the biggest self-owns in recent vidya history. They could have had a multi million dollar success on their hands but they threw it all away once they started seeing dollar signs (forgetting that all gamers have 20 other games pushing microtransactions and other BS on them and everyone is getting tired).

Mate the game was already bad in comparison to its competition even at launch. Barely had any characters and the movement was awful

File: 1695619611821.png (985.15 KB, 800x589, Definitive_Edition_Art.png)

Of all Smash Bros-style fighting games I think only Rivals of Aether got the gameplay right so far.

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