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/games/ - Games

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I woyld say this is probably one of the more interesting singleplayer shooters of the last decade. I loved the weapon and firing mode synergies, bosses with complex movesets that require you to utilize the movement techs and various weapon abilities to the max, badass voice acting by Stefan Weyte and Gianni Matragano, style combo system akin to DMC and Bulletstorm and a rather cool low-poly art style combined with detailed textures that really does remind of 90's-early 2000's games. On the bad side, I found level design to be kinda meh most of the time and I am kinda worry what will happen of it all with the recent Unity install fee shitstorm, since of the final act only the first level was finished as of now.


this is probably one of the best games ever made, gianni is pretty mid on it THOUGH


SÉX with fps


People rediscovering boomer shooters again. Maybe CoD games weren't as fun as people claimed them to be.
I'm not fond of shoving objects into my ass BUT…


how the fuck do i p-rank shit in act ii

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