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Post game animations, both official and fan made


Starcraft: Judgment Cinematic (2023) [fan made]


TheParryGod does some pretty brilliantly made shorts that would not be out of place as part of the Half-Life canon.


the SWTOR cinematics were pretty cool



All the Warcraft 3 cinematics are classic, but ending of human campaign is my favorite one.


I find this video super cool for some reason


This game had so many bangers. Honestly a one of a kind game.



Kill believercucks, crush believercuck skulls (etc)


I skip through every cinematic.


Every Warhammer is game mid, but has some of the most memorable cinematics.



I love scifi intros



this one is super cool too, the rise and fall of the roman empire, er sorry I mean the star league.

I always preferred Mechwarrior lore over Warhammer cause it just seems less grimderp to me, like yeah things kind of suck and there's constant war but there's still different kinds of societies out there and not everywhere is ultra reactionary, and it feels like they're a lot closer to a happy ending possibly


when I was a kid I used to love this game too, something about the idea of a titanic struggle for survival on a dying earth. Like in most wars it's just bourgeois power struggles but in BF2142 there is apparently literally not enough resources for everyone to survive, so the european union and the pan-asian coalition have a desperate struggle to occupy the temperate zones so they can grow food. I always used to stan for the Europeans as a kid but they've truly shown themselves to be only American shills now so I guess today I would sympathize more with PAC. The Euro uniforms are still cooler though.


Speaking of Euro stanning I always sided with the EU in Endwar. (skip to 1:10 in the video) They were the only faction that wasn't responsible for starting the war and just got dogpiled by the Americans and Russians, again when I was a kid I hoped that Europe could stand up and shake off the shackles of American domination and unite into a superbloc, I guess that isn't going to happen though, alas




cinematic from one of my childhood games

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