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I think this image is the best way to describe how I felt about anthem compared to how I felt about cyberpunk. Most games with terrible releases typically have absolutely nothing going for them and cyberpunk on release wasn’t different as it offered nothing new. Anthem actually had the foundations of a genuinely original gameplay experience that could’ve brought a lot to modern gaming but never got anywhere due to a mix of issues from Casey Hudson’s departure from the studio and EA just being awful and it hurts. I didn’t feel that kind of pain from cyberpunk flopping and taking ages to become mediocre. It hurts more seeing cyberpunk fans call this game good now even though it’s a far cry away from being anywhere original, revolutionary or important to AAA gaming as a whole. How long is it gonna be before we get a major game from a big studio with a lot of resources that actually tries something that hasn’t been done before? Like fuck I can still remember seeing the star field teaser in 18’ and hoping it wouldn’t just turn out like any generic Bethesda title and here we are.


I only pirated and finished Cyberpunk recently, after the release of the DLC. It's a decent game, but the only great parts of it are the graphics and the atmosphere. Everything else ranges from mediocre to slightly above average.


And that’s my problem with the game, false advertising. Cyberpunk even by its gameplay teasers was no where near revolutionary, partly for being a first person game but more importantly its setup wasn’t unique. It’s basically futuristic vice city with light rpg elements. For a game like anthem I can’t equate it to anything but can respect the concept. It just doesn’t hit right for a game like anthem to fail but cyberpunk to financially succeed years after launch with an active fan base.

It really is like sitting in a finished rocket only to realize it will never take off :(


>a major game from a big studio with a lot of resources that actually tries something that hasn’t been done before?
Never. These businesses aren't dumping in money on the unknown when making a game in a popular template with a different skin or a remake is consistently brings in millions.


bro can you stop making topics about your random thoughts and just keep them in one topic??? you keep bumping stuff off the board

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