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why the fuck do idiots get excited about mergers and acquisitions when this always happens


Longstanding grievances with the company being acquired (Blizzard and Zenimax most recently) turns into hope that the new parent company will, in its eternal benevolence, make the games better rather than follow the same profit-maximization strategies that turned the IPs into shit in the first place, except now it's just one of hundreds of IPs at the parent company's disposal and they can just shelve it and fire the entire studio if they don't think they'll make enough money from it. In the 90s, 2000s, and even early 2010s it was pretty well understood that acquisition meant certain death and/or desecration at the hands of Interplay, EA, or other companies, consumers have short memories I guess.


>consumers have short memories I guess.

"Gamers" especially. With the most aggressively marketed demographic being teens/young adults, they most likely lack that context. A lot of young kids coming up now have lived their entire lives under the domination of these massive conglomerates already owning everything. My friend's son loves minecraft, and its been the sole property of Microsoft I think his entire life.


Lumpenprole gamers actually think that having more capital behind their favorite ideas is a good thing. This ends with monopoly tech companies hypercommodifying their games and economizing the production of their games.


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It keeps happening.


Pretty much that, although not exclusively lumpenprole


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I don't recall ever seeing mergers celebrated.


not related to video games but when i was using youtube in 2012 i was excited for google to buy it because "the google search engine is the greatest!"
aged pretty poorly imo. i was also excited to see battlefront 1 and 2 being developed in DICE's frostbite game engine and theyre ok games but certainly not what i was hoping for


A merge of Blizzard with Microsoft, though it's understandable since Blizzard is shit anyway.


it's mainly brand fanatics who drool over them happening


They hope change of top management would lead to their favorite game series somehow ending up managed better. This however ignores the underlying material factors that lead to game franchises turning to shit in the first place.


Think for a moment how utterly absurd and insane it is that companies can buy smaller companies, including the rights to their "intellectual property" only to ensure that nothing else belonging to that IP gets made. Like, even if the people who knew how to make another Tony Hawk Pro Skater game wanted to make another one (especially if Tony Hawk himself wanted to because of branding), they couldn't do it just because of legal nonsense. And this isn't just video games, it's all sorts of things.


>when i was using youtube in 2012 i was excited for google to buy it
google bought youtube in 2006


yeah but the google+ merger didnt happen until 2013 and the ads came trickling in over the course of a few years before and during the merge




>Bungie, formerly owned by Microsoft, might possibly be owned by Sony



I blame Disney/Marvel.
Fanboys considered any Disney acquisition of a Marvel property a positive because it would allow for more fanservice in the MCU.
Since there's a huge overlap between gamers and MCU fans, the pro-merger ideology leaked into gaming.


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Valve is Xbox in disguise confirmed.

Unique IPs: 13

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