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For those of you unaware squad is a tactical shooter like arma whose main focus for its gameplay is its infantry combat. Recently the developers launched a controversial but cool update called the infantry combat overhaul or ICO. The update brings realistic recoil physics, depth of field of effects to simulate the eyes focusing on certain objects, altered ADS time, improved weapon inertia and a lot of other QOL features. This update was controversial for the amount of things changed, more specifically changes away from being an arcade shooter to reaching closer towards a simulation of real infantry level combat. I think it was a good update, it brought a lot of new ideas to what FPS games can be and currently the game plays as if your actually controlling a person and not two floating hands with a hitscanned gun, adding another layer of depth to the gameplay.

I’m assuming real force vectors are used in this update because the current procedural weapon animations play out in a way that feels responsive to the players movement and inputs rather than being predetermined like in other shooters.


Agree, update caused combat to be more interesting, infantry can’t hit shit just like in real life, suppresion became king again. Had alot of fun fighting over a single tree line with both sides being able to reinforce before getting bodied which caused the battle to be way longer than before, flanking the flanking party of the enemy while getting flanked, amazing.

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