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/games/ - Games

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im actually impressed they managed to wring out an entire souls knock off game from the story of pinocchio, thats a testament to korean innovation. americans wouldve simply turned "sexy final fantasy pinocchio" into a series of YA airport novels


>fairytale but "kinda fucked up" slapped onto a current genre trend


lol what this game is about Pinocchio? weird


>meme arrow channer
yawn. get new material


File: 1698250126679.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 586.45 KB, 1920x2880, f8a5fe3d7cbaa4b6a5b0bee9c….jpeg)

I want to hug him.


the quality of the replies match the OP


The story sucks fat ass tho


It sounds like the type of game where sex with femboys outweighs the significance of the plot
Based but i bet there will be dlc if its popular enough that fixes shit

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