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Have you played it yet?


song name?


I've played several.


is there actual incest in the game? like actually? or is it just a recurrent joke that people blew out of proportion?
as a marxist I would prefer material evidence rather than hearsay


I will once it gets out of early access.


I wasn't interested in this game until the uproar over people bitching about it kept bringing it to my attention, and it sounds exactly like the rpgmaker shit I'd play a decade ago as a teen like Mogeko's Castle.


Well there is and there isn't. Shit is definitely fucked up between the siblings and the setting in general, and there's lots of implications and hints of inappropriate closeness, but when the mom directly confronts her son about it he denies it vehemently, but one of the routes you have a vision of the future that shows the brother and sister post sex.

Overall though I really enjoyed it as a visual novel. It starts with brother and sister locked in their apartment as part of a government coverup/organ harvesting operation and shit just gets wilder from there. The pace is pretty good and its dark comedy elements are amusing and ||as an incest fetishist** I also really enjoyed it.

I fucked up the spoiler tags. Fucking flood detection.


Sounds like a nightcore remix of airman ga taosenai


thanks for the answer, however:
I will take that as a no, and thus, I'm very disappointed in the game, and, by extension, in (you) and your post





arigatoe but the beat is pretty different, this sounds more like it


seem hot


Aw jannies deleted it


if people are so mad about it why does it have such high reviews


Because it's actually pretty good.


twitter is rarely representative of general sentiment


The tongue says one thing, and the hands do the other…


I played through it last night and it was exactly what I thought it was, though I'd say it was more fun to go through than stuff like mogeko's castle though. A true addition to horror RPGmaker canon, bad dialogue and all.


I hate that everyone is becoming more and more of a joyless uptight scold. Zoomers are too conservative about these things for my taste. That said, I'm never reading a western visual novel.


Not even Katawa Shoujo?


>I hate that everyone is becoming more and more of a joyless uptight scold. Zoomers are too conservative about these things for my taste.
True but it seems to be rubber banding: people witness the reactionaries embarrass themselves by overdoing it and learn to be chill about these things to distance themselves. This very thread being an instance of that.


>That said, I'm never reading a western visual novel.
Really feels like even the "fucked up" ones don't really go as far and imaginative as they could, huh.


whats funny is that incest is as tame as it gets. its like acting outraged at, idk, feet


I would have played it but I'm not into murder/cannibalism, imagine people being more offended by the incest


And it's at the bottom of the barrel of "controversial" things that happen in the game.


>being more offended by the incest
Does the dev cums to the other stuff?


I read it when it first came out and thought it was okay. It has the same problem as all western visual novels where it's overly self conscious about what it is. They can never decide if they hate Japan or love Japan. It's like they think they are satirizing Japan, but they don't speak Japanese and have never spoken to a Japanese person, so they're entire viewpoint comes from Western weeaboo subcultures. Those sincere weeaboo subcultures are barely even existent past 2009 so a lot of these newer VNs aren't even reacting to those organic subcultures and are more reacting to what the western nerd media would conveniently want you to think those subcultures were like. A lot of western vns have a subtone of criticizing white guys for being fetishistic but they end up coming across as bitter, resentful, and fetishistic in their own way.
I feel like I'm the only guy who liked Shizune the most. Shame her route had the worst writing.


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oh so is that what makes it bad? it's ok to watch coeds get chopped to pieces and stabbed in the pussy as long as it's in a blockbuster horror movie rather than a sleazy porno and you're not playing with yourself while you enjoy it?


cannibalism is based though


IMO growing up under the panopticon of constant social media exposure and implicit and explicit state surveillance has made a lot of younger people intensely puritanical.


American voice: "Yes."


People were always retards judging others fetishes as degen and elevating theirs as normal and based though.


I'm watching the shittiest fucking TV series on Netflix. It's about vampires and demons and shit.

It was written by an American. WHY IS THERE INCEST IN IT?

Finished watching The Umbrella Academy, again written by an American. WHY IS THERE INCEST IN IT?

I don't even find it particularly repulsive, but it's weird and of course they make a huge deal about it being incest. It feels so fetishistic. Why include this bizarre fetish as part of the stories plot?????


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Oedipus complex.


It's usually sibling incest though.


>I'm watching the shittiest fucking TV series on Netflix.
<the plot is probably stolen from an anime/manga/vn/ln
<it's using the taboo to hook people (often young), exploiting their curiosity
<they are targeting the incestuous demographic
<the author managed to stealthy slip their fetish through corporate controls
<some of the above?


It's based off of these books https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Mortal_Instruments

I think it's just american obsession with incest.


>I don't even find it particularly repulsive
uh huh


Why would I find sibling doing it so morally reprehensible and disgusting? I don't even fucking know these people. Isn't it weirder to see siblings doing it and you immediately think of you doing your siblings? Sounds like projection and Christian pearl clutching, and by pearl I mean your siblings clitoris or prostate, respectively.


im implying you actually find it that repulsive, not that you wanted to fuck your siblings………………


Sibling incest is hot


>untold amounts of horrors being inflicted upon humanity in the form of war, poverty, wage theft, rape, concentration camps LARPing as prisons
>today I will get mad about an incest game on steam
Twitter HQ must be nuked, for the sake of humanity.


i mean, why get mad about serious shit you have no power to change over when instead you can get mad in the internet over fictious bullshit on social media that only serves to annoy or make retards ejaculate their egos ?


never heard of it but holy shit!? cannabalism AND incest!? Are we finally getting some GOOD subversive shit that makes liberal moralists whine? and the artstyle looks good, Sade would be proud.


>if you just put violence and gross shit in your game it's somehow 'subversive'


oh oops, i meant transgressive, not subversive, sorry.


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>story focused game
>reprehensible protagonists
>heavy violence
>satanic rituals
>pic unrelated
Dies irae: Interview with Kaziklu Bey is pretty good.


By that metric Violated Heroine is more "transgressive" than this uninspired gruff.


I like that we learned that the relationship between the whole family was just another coffin. The mom chose the dad because he was a malleable piece of clay. Andy never had anything meaningful to learn from the dad. Ashley only ever learnt bad lessons about relationships from the mom. The mom chose to ignore her children's bad behaviour because she wanted to keep up the façade of a good family. From the very beginning, they were all suffocating.




i've never heard of that either, but it seems this "incest game" is more mainstream?
people are certainly whining about it.


transgression in the service of nothing is just edgy garbage


Yes, and it is good that it is like that.


it's blowing up because it's free and on the front page of steam


oh its free!??! i was gonna pirate it, know what im gonna play next :3


Oh sorry, it's actually $9.99, I thought it was the next Helltaker and that's why people were talking about it


oh well, still gonna pirate it then.


>transgression in the service of nothing
It serves the narrative, dumbass.


>never heard of that
>violated heroine
smh kids these days don't know the greats

>I thought it was the next Helltaker
It's trying to be. It's all so cynical.


Sure and if people wanna play that then fine but I'm not gonna accept the premise that it's 'subversive', but anon took that back so it's fine I guess.


>It's all so cynical.
eh, haven't played it, but it can't be worse than doki-doki copying undertale's schtick, and everyone (including me) was OK with that.


You mean accidentally copying Subahibi but worse in every way


>It's trying to be
How? Never played it.


there can be more than one thing doki doki was a bad copy of.


Nothing can be worse than ironic VNs. At least this game is a genuine attempt at storytelling.


Nail on the head. God what a piece of shit that was.


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> The creator of The Coffin of Andy and Leyley got doxed, so they are transferring the game's ownership to Kit9 and pretty much leaving the internet.
What the fuck is up with the rise of puritanism online. Media has mildly taboo shit and now armies of unhinged kids will try to make your life miserable for it (ironically enough).


Was this about puritanism? I heard it was done by the soyjack site.


What did they do?


Dox the creator.


It seems the author got doxxed because soyjak thought they were trans, lol.


"the soyjack site?"


there's nothing to be gained by going there i promise you


Played it, it was pretty good, for a rpg maker game. The art is really good.


This is genuinely upsetting, I sincerely hope every knuckle-dragging mutant wank-hankie from kf/soyjak/whatevermiserablehellholeobssessedwithcyberstalking skins alive and decapitates a bourgoise-liberal-moralist-puritan, before then sodomizing themselves to death with a rusty hatchet.




>I sincerely hope every knuckle-dragging mutant wank-hankie from kf/soyjak/whatevermiserablehellholeobssessedwithcyberstalking skins alive and decapitates a bourgoise-liberal-moralist-puritan

why would they when they're the same people?


Now 4chin is trying to bring them down by reporting them to CF: https://abuse.cloudflare.com/


May they tear each others' dicks off inshallah


link? that sounds funny and agreed obviously >>31992


it was insane to see twitter puritans going "yeah it's bad to doxx but they made a game promoting incest so it's whatever"




Omg taboo subject in video game omg le epic meme le twitter screencap!!!!! Le What the Frick!!!????


Skinning yourself alive seems hard


Honestly, it's for the better. No gamedev should be on social media where they expose themselves to a horde of the most annoying teenagers and basement dwellers ever.


Creating something that spawns a fandom is something I don't wish on anyone. I'm reminded of the author of TADC having to make an "official announcement" every few days to calm down people being shitty in their behalf.
< The number of times I've seen people misquote me as a means of policing art is insane. Why do you love fighting so much? Are you stupid?

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