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This is exactly what I look for in the Silent Hill series, thank you.
Silent Hill fans are always having to learn that it can get worse. Might actually be the most punished fandom there is.


It's something that Konami's "reviving" this series by just giving it to every developer under the sun to make their own game as if that isn't the reason the series went into a decline to begin with. Also the phone game has a fucking battle pass despite it literally just being people watching a video and then voting to see which video plays next.


Makes Silent Hill 4 good in retrospect.


Hmmmm why yes, I would like to be a part of Hell on Earth. Where do I sign?
At least its not NFTs or "metaverse" shit.


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this topic makes me feel slightly better about being a sonic fan


Mannnequin humping simulator mode confirmed?


I for one hecking love consuming redemption arcs, especially for abstract murder-rape demons


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reading archived Silent Hill fan forum threads and this poor poster… her signature…. she has no idea how bad things are about to get


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Isn't he just a manifestation of James' mind

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