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- level shrink again back to 60, I know they did this with shadowlands but raising it again in dragon flight goes against what they were trying o do to avoid pissing off fans
- making gold useful again. Seriously retail wow has a fuck load of materials and random currencies I can’t be bothered to look into the lore for or care about. Please blizzard if any employee is reading this, simplify the fucking economy, only hardcore players are gonna be able to understand what the fuck is going in progression considering the amount of shit your casually expected to pick up on mid game.
- keep dragonflights talent tree system, I get not everyone liked it but I appreciate the fact that isn’t was readable for the average new player even if the skills had borderline cryptic levels of complexity behind their function.
- simplify the UI again, add a mouse lock button and an interact button. Simplifying the UI once was an amazing decision that did alot for new and casual players like me, the addition of a mouse lock button built in game and not in an add-on would make moving around way easier, coupled with an actual dialogue/interact key would make the game easy to handle enough for controller/console players.

I don’t care that much about the content at this point, there’s well more than enough of it, I just want the game to feel a lot smoother to play like what you’d find in a single player title.


Havent been playing since WotLK, but I still occassionally check out WoW youtube channel and wiki, out of curiosity of what is the new nonsense lore development to justify another expansion. Warcraft was my favorite fantasy world when I was a kid. I had a Warcraft 2 manual I used to read, describing the units and story of setting. Very nostalgic. In my hearth, we left off at Frozen Throne.


Don’t play it currently. It’s not that your unlikely to have any fun, it’s unlikely you’ll understand anything going on.


I want to see a new Warcraft RTS based on the WoW era with a Dawn of War-style map conquest mode and featuring different subfactions for Horde and Alliance. Might even use it as an opportunity to reimplement stuff omitted from WoW like the entirety of.the spider kingdom of Azjol-Nerub that was planned to be in WotLK but got cropped to an instance.


My dream was that Warcraft 4 will continue story of strategy games, ignoring the WoW completely, but then I remembered it still would be written by the same Blizzard hacks.


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WotLK was fine story-wise, as well as parts of Burning Crusade and Cataclysm excluding the whole "Thrall = Green Jesus" thing and Deathwing's derpy design. Most of what came after seems like umsalvageable dreck though, what with Legion giving you the most underwhelming final showdown one could come up with what is supposedly an interstellar threat and it all ending with Sargeras just being sealed away inside a giant chair. Pure cringe.


There was a big thing a month or two ago where a lot of people were calling for the game to be massively simplified across the board, especially in the realm of abilities and spells. Brewmasters were awful to play at the beginning of the expansion, you pretty much needed a gaming mouse with 10+ extra buttons to use their toolkit properly. Dunno if it's any better now. The game's also hard to commentate/watch at events because no one can follow wtf is happening on the screen. I'm really interested in seeing how the new seasonal server goes (even if it's directly ripping off the Ascension private server) but at the same time I'm worried the new talents will end up bloating the game and watering down the classes in the same way as retail.
They're revisiting Northrend in the last third of the upcoming three-part expansion so they might end up reworking Azjol-Nerub, but that's at least a few years away.


Burning Crusade introduced silliness from the books, namely time travel, which is a death sentence for any story. But at least it was confined to basically one location, as an excuse to revisit iconic Warcraft moments.
WotLK completely fucked Arthases character, making him actually sacred good guy by holding back the Scourge, having repressed "innocent" side represented by child version of himself, and the whole "redemption" after he is defeated. "There always must be a Lich King", Im sorry what? That is so fucking stupid, Wacraft Arthas wasnt some reluctant servant enslaved by Lich King, he was cartoonishly evil, delighting causing death and destruction.


Sorry, didn't feel like starting a new WoW thread.
Anyone playing Season of Discovery? I'm interested in checking it out and was wanting to know the leftypol opinion.
One reason I gravitated towards FFXIV was because the combo system made it easier to really know where you are at in your rotations, the GCD is much slower and more reasonable, and you can actually see what is happening when you turn down all the graphics. TBH I haven't played WoW religiously since maybe Pandaria or Draenor, but my memories of how fast and chaotic the game became over the years kept me away.


My retail WoW wish list:
>shaman tanks

I played it for a couple weeks after it came out and had fun. Not sure where things are now but the servers were absolutely packed when I was playing and everyone seemed to be having fun still. I've wanted shaman tanks for over a decade now so maybe I'm a little biased.


>WotLK was fine story-wise
Sorry, but no. Arthas's soul was supposed to have been stolen by Frostmorne. Arthas still having his soul makes the entire Undead campaign of WC3 not make sense. It means he effectively destroyed his homeland and everything he loved for shits and giggles.

What's more, Arthas has absolutely no reason to want to be the Lich King. Ner'zhul, on the other hand, does actually have motivations and reasons to want to be Lich King. Deciding that Arthas is the Lich King now meant that the Lich King we got was completely directionless. What's worse, they changed his personality so that he was a Doctor Claw knockoff instead of the king of banter from WC3. So we ended up getting the worst of both worlds.

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