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No more Zero Punctuation and… whatever else they had on there.

They restarted as a worker owned co-op called Second Wind. I've always liked Zero Punctuation, so I hope it all works out. I still watch the reviews even though I barely play video games anymore. It really twists my nuts when people say Yahtzee isn't a serious reviewer because he makes jokes about cum or whatever. Beyond the feigned offence at cum, is an offense that he didn't spend 70 hours playing a game, waiting for it to get good, or he didn't play it right, or he's just a negative person. But that's why I like him so much, a game should be enjoyable from the first hours. It should be actually fun rather than theoretically fun. He's not a negative person, he doesn't shit on ALL games and he doesn't make up reasons why he dislikes things.

Yeah, I don't always agree with him, but he makes some good points and his show is enjoyable.

I wonder if this means we'll be seeing more Jack on Best of the Worst for a while.

>They restarted as a worker owned co-op called Second Wind.
Not surprising. Yahtzee was always vaguely leftist.
>He's not a negative person, he doesn't shit on ALL games and he doesn't make up reasons why he dislikes things.
He just got stuck in the "angry video game ranter" persona because it's his job to churn out content on the content mill. He will probably go in a different direction now that he's not longer attached to that brand.

He's vehemently opposed to the working class, still kicking around the trite nugget that proles are dumb and incapable of survival without their supposed betters guiding them. Also, casual racist.
This is coming from someone who has been watching him since the youtube days (over 15 years), and read most of his books.
Enjoy his content, but the guy is a fucking cunt and deserves the wall.

>He's vehemently opposed to the working class
Literally what are you talking about?

>the guy is a fucking cunt and deserves the wall

Hey mate, make sure to use protective gloves when handling this kind of edge.

TBH I don't know the guy but I definitely also get the impression from him that he's a massive cunt in a way I don't feel about say, AVGN.

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>saying we should execute someone based on vibes

Ok ok, I'm not agreeing we should execute the guy, just saying I definitely get that impression

>corporate greed
I love this stupid fucking term non-communists use to avoid saying capitalism.

>the trite nugget that proles are dumb
>without their supposed betters guiding them.
When has he said anything like this? I know these two often go together, but they don't always.
>Also, casual racist.
Literally who isn't?
>but the guy is a fucking cunt and deserves the wall.
Even if all that shit was true, if he hasn't done anything too bad yet he hasn't done anything too bad yet. If he has actually done something bad why didn't you mention that rather than some attitudes that like at least 60% of the population (and 90% of media personalities) have at least from time to time.
I get the impression that he's a bit of jerk who tries to not be a bad person. I watched let's drown out and it was clear he was trying to avoid being too arrogant and obnoxious, but it ended up ironically making him more of an ass since it turned his aggression into passive aggression. Still seems more like a bit of a cunt rather than a massive cunt imo.

>He just got stuck in the "angry video game ranter"
Most of his reviews don't really seem all that angry.

Yahtzee and his team are already back at it.

I hope they keep playing with the new style because right now it just feels like the generic store version of the name brand stuff.

>yong yeah
lol after his delusional tantrum over the kyriu Dub, his opinions dont matter anymore, also he spreads misinformation, remeber when he told everyone cyberpunk was fine and made his fanbase believe the game ran well that it was bug free, yeah, this guys opinions dont ammount to a dog's turd.

>he's not infallible! everybody cancel him!
i've followed the guy for one and a half decade and he's right nine times out of ten, plus he's hilarious

>muh e-celebs
this is pathetic

Corporate greed and feed. Formerly Chuck's.

>It really twists my nuts when people say Yahtzee isn't a serious reviewer because he makes jokes about cum or whatever.
While entertaining, I'd argue he isn't a serious reviewer since his reviews always felt incomplete.
Because of the lack of the number scale, and like 80% of the video is the review that's filled properly/jokes, you have little to work off, so you're unsure if the game is bad, not his cup of tea, good, mediocre, etc.

Like prince of persia review is the perfect example. In the original review he never talked about the love story, but later on made an extra punctuation video about how it's his favorite love story. If you watched the original it sounded like an ok game to skip.

>Because of the lack of the number scale
Amazing opinion. I vaguelly remember he had a rant about this, but I cant be bothered to search for it.

>lack of the number scale
thats based though

>In the original review he never talked about the love story, but later on made an extra punctuation video about how it's his favorite love story

how is that relevant to the quality of the game ?

What a weird thing to complain about. All a number scale is going to tell you is how much this reviewer liked the game, which you have to interpret anyway through the lens of what that reviewer's tastes are. It's better to not give a score and just explain your opinion so that the audience can judge from your description/reaction whether they'd want to play the game. That's a lot more useful than a number.

It's also something you can criticize Yahtzee for, since a lot of the time he just riffs on the game since his brand became about making jokes instead of talking about whether it's good or bad (and people have said that over the years).

I don't mind not having a number score, many reviewers I enjoy watching don't use one, like mathewmatosis and runningshine.
The problem is that there is so little to work off of, you just go to other reviewers to get an idea.

It's an old review, but a better example was his super paper mario review, which was just a fucking trainwreck to put it lightly.

For >>31863
The game is highly praised on its story.
Also, if that is a quality of the game that you enjoyed, maybe add it to your review to be complete?
It's already bad enough he skips multiplayers, but that was ridiculous.

>super paper mario review
Why, I havent play mario, but I did rewatch the review and it seems fine?

>He actually did the grinding in the second world
>The sparkling diamond comment with paper mario the thousand year door doesn't have a scope to take from it
<All of gaming? rpgs? All of media? Lol.
>Doesn't go into any meaningful depth of the game or story
<He gives little pieces like the nerd chapter and it being a platformer
>It takes a minute to get to the actual review since he spends the first minute shitting on jrpgs for no deep reason
<I'm fine if he doesn't like them, it just that when half his reviews are jokes or very specific personal taste, then it's hard to gauge the game's quality.
The only thing saving the review is that: he doesn't give spoilers, (still makes the review unsatisfying); and a summary of going, "overall, if you like the previous games, then play it".

I wouldn't mind if he didn't like the game, or even hate it, the issue is that the review is so lacking that I wouldn't be surprised if he just skimmed a lets play to do the review.

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