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/games/ - Games

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Why do people cling onto this shitty storefront instead of freely using multiples for the games they want?
Every new game that comes out on pc is exclusive to the epic games store and the first 10 pages of any section on steam is literally filled with shovelware pixelshit and porn games.
Despite the influx of indie shovelware on the PSN store you can atleast get a curation of good games on any page you visit. It feels like Valve literally does nothing to moderate their own fucking property. just sits there and collects income from gaymer cattle

oh cool another advertising thread

Pixelshit and porn is superior to literal interactive movie ports.

It has no competition. GOG is a niche and Epic is just ass.

why are people paying porky for games on the communism board?
just torrent your games, it's not so hard

idk sometimes it's easier and indie devs getting money isn't bad

you're not finding an uploaded copy of an obscure indie game only 5 people on the planet played

>pixels bad
All those LEDs on your PC have done something to your brain, anon.

None of the few I though up off the top of my head are on there. When I said games only 5 people played I was being literal.

There is a request thing on that site. Never used it though so I dunno how reliable it is. Chances are they wait until a number of users request something to know if they should use server space for it.

>GOG is a niche
still worth it, I use both steam and gog

using steam is a bit of a hassle so I tend to prefer games that run natively. Like if I really wanna play a certain a game I have in my library I'll go to the trouble but wow waiting for the electron app to open up, then having to shut it down so it's not in the background every time really extinguishes the vibe. Same for itch.io, though that at least has the option to download it from the site. I'm not that advanced at NixOS yet tho so I'll usually go for something already pachaged or html5 stuff.

True, but most people seeking most games won't be using it which is why Steam can afford to be shitty. It's just the behavior of monopolies in any market.

Their competition is pirating or complete junk that’s why. Not a single game store comes close to competing with steams service.

If you use humble bundle, you can link both your steam and gog accounts.
Basically only ignorant people use only steam when there's so many alternatives that provide better prices.

So how much are you getting paid for this thread?

>oh gaben oh let me choke on your cock oh oh oh oh oh

Yeah Steam is so unknown, I'm sure they need to advertise

I exclusively pirate, retard.

Your reading comprehension is so good.

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>why don't people use the other storefront that is actively trying to divide and privatize PC gaming even further
i havent paid for games in a long time but its pretty obvious why steam remains king

<shovelware pixelshit and porn games

ah this is a covert /v/ermin thread about how indie games are gay and porn is bad for your "soul"

Valve is a great hardware manufacturer and software developer but a shitty publisher:
>abusing their fans with copyright laws
>letting Denuvo games and buggy ports to be published on their influential storefront
>having an underwhelming refund policy
>refusing to allow people to sell their digital games even after going to court for it
Valve is kinda like Google in this regard: they do contribute positively to FLOSS but are otherwise an abusive company that is a bad influence on FLOSS in the long term. I really hope that it won't get worse but Steam Proton is pretty much the only way to play Windows games on GNU/Linux now, kinda like Android is the only FLOSS mobile OS that's usable as a daily-driver unfortunately (although stuff like UBports, PureOS and PostmarketOS are getting there).

I say buy games on GOG and pirate the rest, it's not worth giving money to Valve for their games if they're unwilling to change their ways. GOG hasn't become like Valve and Nintendo fortunately so have fun while it lasts.

>indie devs getting money isn't bad
They chose their fate… by not publishing on GOG.

>i havent paid for games in a long time but its pretty obvious why steam remains king
I mean, that's why DRM was a mistake tbh.

indie devs aren't porky, some games are best enjoyed in online multiplayer and lifestylist larp isn't communism

>indie devs aren't porky
How? They are not large capitalists but still. AAA devs are obviously proles however.

>>39141 (me)
Also, you're absolutely right about the lifestylist larp (why's everyone using this Bookchinite slang anyway?).

Actually the porn games on the front page are 90% shit

>>39128 (me)
I'd also add that Valve, while a bad publisher, is a great retailer. The games on Steam are by far the cheapest (especially with discounts), allowing you to build your library quickly (just how it should be). Ofc pirated games are free so you can choke your SSD with games even quicker but when it comes to the storefronts Steam allows you to do that the fastest. So no wonder it got so popular. Also, TF2, HL2 and Portal contributed ig.

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