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/games/ - Games

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What do you use to run Windows games on Linux? Vanilla Wine, Bottles, Steam?


Just dual boot, why have an simulation when you can have the real thing?


Unironically the only game I play is SuperTuxKart.



Is Bottles the only way to sandbox Wine? Even if they're designed for a Windows environment I still don't want proprietary software to interact with my system at all.


VFIO or bust, debugging wine makes me feel like killing myself


WINE for me. Haven't needed anything more.

Convenience, and not wanting the real thing.
This was literally me for a while, but got demotivated after current staff were a shit.


The only window only games I play are on steam so I just use proton. Everything else I play runs natively.


emulators(rpcs3, yuzu etc) and virtual machines and only rarely wine(to run famitracker)


Not ideal if you're using low-end hardware.


Afaik you can run wine on flatpak without having to install a front-end like Bottles.


just play tuxmath


Oh, there is much more. Just off the top of my head:
0 A.D.
Warzone 2100
Battle For Wesnoth
Urban Terror
Cortex Command Community Project
Cube series and AssaultCube


Game library manager with community scripts for running stuff on Wine if need be
Connects to your Steam and GOG libraries


Proton. There's only like 2 games that I have that needed more than 1 minute of setup with it, gaben did a good job

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