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/games/ - Games

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>Showcases the rot of the Rust Belt after all the corporations outsourced to cheaper countries.
>The main antagonist is a rich millionaire who is responsible for most of Carcer City's deterioration and corruption, making money off of murder and bribes the police and his PMCs to do his bidding.
>Carcer City's police are corrupt and are obsessed with arresting homeless people.
>Ending has you kill the millionaire that took advantage of you, with the possibility of Carcer City potentially getting better.
>Literally get to kill Neo-Nazis.
Why don't we get leftist ludo like this anymore?


damn, I didn't know all that. All I knew was that the game was brutal and violent


I never played it cause it just looked too dark and 'horror-y' for want of a better term


uygha from where i live i barely find it scary, keep in mind that the game makes you maim off-duty police officers, on duty police officers pedos, nazis, satanists and mercenaries, so basically everyone who is a scumbag in brazil

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