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/games/ - Games

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the aggression casuals have towards people who actually want to learn a game well, let alone those people who can learn it inside out, is insane and has been consistent across every game i've played so far and i still don't really understand why


stfu tryhard


You're supposed to be mediocre and be proud of it.


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Service games like fortnite are basically centralized social media networks. If they could pair you with people you're most likely to have a toxic encounter with, they would. You may find self-hostable games way less bad in this regard.


Maths is the greatest game.


They want the illusion of feeling like they're good at a game without actually having to put effort into getting better. People beating them by figuring out the game and practicing ruins the fun they're having because the only way for them to win now is to do something they don't want to. This is how you get cope like "the other person is trying too hard at the expense of fun," that evolves into "tryhards don't have fun." I also wouldn't call people like that casuals because more often than not they aren't. They're just competitive players that don't want to put effort in being competitive.

I remember talking to someone about fighting games years ago and their main reason for why they disliked the gene was that the experience of playing with friends on the couch was gone. Obviously that's not true. There's no fighting game stopping you from playing with your friends and ignoring everything else about the game, but then it hit me what hey were referring to wasn't the act itself but the aspect where most people in the 90s and early 2000s had no idea how to properly play fighting games so it mostly boiled down to people mashing and doing random specials. That is what they wanted back, and the genre doesn't hand you wins if you decide to stagnant at a certain skill level.


People will call you a tryhard and defend the most broken bullshit in PvP games in the name of "fun". You still see TF2 players cry tears of blood that the Sandman nerf was unfair because being allowed to stun players in a fast-paced shooter is a good idea apparently.


>op pic
Trash game, but I kinda like this goth cat character.

On the question itself, I like the answer >>32057 gives. Shitty matchmaking shoving everyone into one place without any choice creates a toxic community that will constantly shit on each other because of their conflicting skill levels and goals while making most discussion about the game itself a dumpster fire.
I myself have a pet theory that this is often anticipated by developers because seething casual whales are more likely to buy booster packs, in-game currency and other pie-in-the-sky "commodities" from them than serious players to compensate, while hardcore players get the rush of schadenfreude from dominating the casuals and thus keep the whale-milking machine going. Just think of how and why service games run like they do and it kinda makes sense.


This seems to be mostly a problem with action and fps games.


thats grunge at most, not goth…


Worst case of this behaviour I saw was in Total War subreddit, where complains about bad balance and lack of challenge get constantly shut down by legions of mouthbreathers who think using any sort of strategy or tactics in an RTS game is cheesing.


i didn't know that was a thing. getting better at games is literally the only reason to play when it comes to multiplayer. its like playing sports and being shitty and then getting mad at your mates for asking you to practice.


Damn, you are right thats indeed grunge. I stand corrected.


nice fit


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TF2 had an organic competitive scene just like old school shooters and Valve instead of capitalizing on it decided to ignore them for a decade until they decided to release a half-assed "competitive update" that both competitive and casual players hate to this day, lmao.


Lois: "What the fuck is going on here?"


Who is this muscle mommy?


Barghest from Fate/Grand Order.


Bless you, anon, I shall indulge in mating press.

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