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/games/ - Games

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Sega trying to hype up… something sending these lame cards to popular streamers.
I can't remember the last time a company had a "big announcement" that wasn't a monumental disappointment.


They're sending these to fighting game ecelebs so it's likely going to be a Virtua Fighter 6 announcement at TGA.


if the game they're hyping:
-ain't daytona, I ain't gonna
-ain't virtua fighter, i won't be a buyer
-ain't alex kidd, i close the lidd
-ain't outrun, i better run
-ain't house of the dead, i'll go to bed


It's gonna be Sonic Adventure 3, right?


Maybe they're finally going to tell us what the fuck the Super Game is


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Hyenas 2


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lol wow


I hope it isn't a monkey's paw moment because I actually like all these games.


this is what my friend who works in gaming ad industry said it would probably be, how boring, not that remakes of these would be bad per se but why did they make such a big deal out of it?

Is this the super game thing? Because I swear they said something about Crazy Taxi being involved in that


Wait, they're remakes and not new entries?


Eh I don't know, I haven't been watching it, I don't know which it will be. Either way I don't see how a new Crazy Taxi could ever be a 'super game'. Just imagine what a trainwreck it will be, infested with microtransactions and daily challenges, probably completely overcomplicated so that it loses the charm of the original, soulless soundtrack by Marshmello replacing the original punk


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I'm gonna be so mad if they fuck this up.


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Sonic saved Sega??


It better be Shenmue 4 or I’ll riot


All those games suck and they’ve neglected a true classic.
I’m rioting.




>>32284 (me)
But to be honest, we already have Bomb Rush Cyberfunk, and a spiritual successor to Crazy Taxi by another company would be better, I want it to be a GTA taxi missions but on crack.


Sonic saved Sega this is why we're keeping Sonic Team's shoestring budget and miserable deadlines and using all that money on "super projects" that get cancelled when they're 95% done.


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<Oh, management unjustly fired union-organizing employees AND said they're laying off 40% of newly-unionized workers next year so they can avoid having to pay them more than minimum wage?


Maybe the SEGA execs are just speedrunning destroying the company because they want to get golden parachutes after getting bought out by Microsoft.


FUCK JAPAN FUCK JAPAN FUCK JAPAN but anime and manga are based but FUCK JAPAN!!


>Sega of America


>America of Sega


Well, they're gonna outsource jobs to Japan so obviously that implies some sort of cooperation between the two. It's like making excuses for Nintendo of Japan that way. The main decision-maker is still the Japanese headquarters, SoA is simply a subsidiary.


No, they've always been butting heads since the 90s, but it's not surprising that the one thing they agree with is fucking over their own workers.


Where is Billy Hatcher Re-Ovulated

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