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GTA VI trailer just dropped


Good trailer. Tone seems to be more more serious compared to 5 but who knows until we see more of it.




and also im mainly curios about the quality of the "political commentary" given this game has been in development for years and amerilardia has been through a lot since then


Based and funTrailer
V/tards, polcels and incels in shambles


there's a chihuahua in the trailer!!!!!!! also, the LEAST muscular chihuahua enjoyers


>White Boy Summer: The Game


To be fair most of the development time has probably gone to the environment, cars, models, graphics etc.

It's hard to say how good it will be just from this, honestly it doesn't capture me as much as the GTA IV and V trailers did but I was younger then, it could still be amazing. I like the snapchat (or whatever) and bodycam bits too, that's kind of funny and makes it feel contemporary.

It just sucks that I'll have to buy a console if I actually want to play it at release.


Nearly all of Rockstar’s creative leads and veteran programmers have left over the last several years. This game is being developed primarily by people who have only worked on GTA Online. Grand Theft Auto VI will be the worst game in the series.


Well that sucks.


>put twerking in the trailer multiple times
>no ass jiggle


the west has fallen


it's at least supposed to have hunting, bounties, fishing and racing in it, so there's that to enjoy


Oh boy, fishing and hunting… awesome…


wow its nothing


>/v/ right now
i'd rather use neofag or resetera


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are you getting paid to post this lol


Nice hair physics, Vice City looks pretty big from this shot too (looks of tall buildings and presumably there will be suburbs too). I think it looks bigger than downtown in GTA 5.


the girl's are gonna be so fuckin sex dude


yes +40 couponbox has been deposited into my account already


Western "gamers" will make of fun japanese character design and then literaly cream their pants over an uncanny valley realdoll.


I mean I don't see anything special either but at least she has normal human proportions.


hopefully they remember to write actual characters this time


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Someone get Secretary Bootygieg on the line


so what's the point of releasing a trailer now when the game doesn't come out until 2025?


>hair physics is glitching/stuttering even in the bullshot render for the trailer meant to show off the hair physics
>still using bad rigging on the body that causes weird distortions on the chest when lifting up the shoulders.


stop the dogs from begging



It keeps getting leaked and people are sick of 5.


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I think the video has been modified. Someone interpolated the frames in order to make the slow motion effect, so the motion weirdness you're seeing is probably because of that. The original shot from the trailer doesn't have the interpolation motion weirdness.


GTA V really resented the absence of the houser brothers, but it wasn't that bad. it worries me that the online component is going to be rockstar's focus because of the overwhelming longevity of GTA Online. the story already seems like a mediocre by-the-numbers affair about a couple of hustlers, it'll very likely take a backseat to the online crap which will be an unbearable nightmare of 12 year olds screaming into the mic and microtransactions


Tijme traveler here. Last GTA pre-civil war


It's the reverse. Western gamers cream over anime dolls.


a womanino? as a character?, in my vidyas?
no…the liberal agenda has won over Rockstar…the west has fallen


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since this is the GTA thread, anybody else think dimitri from gta4 looks like a poljak?


Did AAA regress back to ye olde hyper-realism obsession? These human models are distressigly uncanny, why wouldn't they just do something stylized?


There's style art design and styalization companies with any levels or maps in a game with any high or low level of graphics, look at the start with the sunset, the city etc… all that vice city style.


I honestly don't think this trailer's visuals will represent the final product, for better or worse. Especially given the game isn't coming out until 2025. I'd wait for actual gameplay footage to judge the graphics.


GTA has been about hyper realism since GTA 4


>I'd wait for actual gameplay footage to judge the graphics.
We never learn do we


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>until 2025


Mind come off as guzzling, but Rockstar isn't one to jazz up graphics in their trailers. I think the closest thing to it they've done is back during the leadup to GTA V, the game didn't end up being as dense with peds and cars as the trailers made it out to be, which they went on to rectify, and then some, with the 8th gen upgrade.
They didn't bullshot with RDR2 either, though they did went out of of their way not to show any bits of the map around Annesburg, which are clearly rushed, compared to areas like New Hanover, Lemoyne, etc, where they clearly put in most of the work for.


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Gnu/Linux or nothing.



so 20 years ago conservatives and democrats blamed GTA 3 for its violence, and now they're doing it for sexo?


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Is playing GTA6 Praxis?


>game is named after a crime
>"b-but the cops!!1"


Nah, he's a femboi.


*San Andreas


Actual NPC behaviour.


Based GNU/Linux enjoyer.


>muh cops


Conservatards are reverting back to their boomer roots. The protectors of "freedom" people deserve.


They never changed, imageboard dwellers becoming the "alt-right" were a minor glitch in the grand scheme of things that has already run its course.


Well, at least their mask falls off.


Shooting cops is unironically the only fun part of GTA games. It's the only thing that's actually kind of a challenge since everything else is made to be accessible to casual players to complete. Killing cops will get them to keep sending waves of cops after you, making it harder to survive as your wanted level goes up. It's the one element of the game where there's an engaging difficulty curve instead of essentially being an interactive cutscene.



B-but anons, shooting our boys in blue is illegal!


My favourite place to do this was the Tw@ cafe because it was really hard for them to get through the door


it'll probably work day one on ganoo plus linux, at least all the single player shit


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Socialism is when the people kill cops.
It's more socialism, the more cops they kill.
When you kill a real lot of cops, that's communism.


Never stopped people from doing what they think is right so the cops can go fuck themselves.


NTA but I just like hating law enforcement because laws are stupid and cops are classcucks.


Also, The Matrix is illegalist praxis.


Yeah I think more as a justification of anarchist terrorism specifically.

> The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.

Killing civilians is justified for the cause and also everyone is a potential fed.


It is interesting how the right has been rapidly sliding back into moralfaggotry. I'm curious if it will work out for them considering the reason they found so much momentum in the first place was in response to left-liberals' overbearing moralfagging. Zoomers seem to be immensely moralfags so maybe we really are going to be in for a few decades of this shit again.


That line isn't justifying killing random civilians. It's just explaining how a systemic problem makes everyone complicit. It applies to any scenario like that. The Matrix is a pretty broad allegory. It just involves violence because it's also a Hollywood action movie.




It is tho in the context of the movie. They kill a lot of random civilians because they turn into glowies. It's a metaphor about how any civilian can be basically a glowie or working as a glowie in that moment and killing them is justified if need be.


Not to mention in the course of the films they kill a fuck ton of civilians who aren't even being controlled by glowies.


>They kill a lot of random civilians because they turn into glowies.
That's not "random civilian" then is it? They don't shoot people who haven't either started shooting at them or who aren't already cops. In fact the tendency for them not to do that causes them problems multiple times, including in major fights in the first movie.
>in the course of the films they kill a fuck ton of civilians who aren't even being controlled by glowies.
When does that happen? Other than shit like car crashes where they weren't the ones started a shootout, or inferred deaths when they blow up a building.


There's nothing in that quote that illegalists will disagree with, albeit not for the reasons you mentioned.

Illegalists (and other post-leftists) view class struggle as hopeless since the proles are quite comfortable with the system we live in. And since the proles are conformist and obedient, there's no point to rely on them in the struggle against capitalism since, as Goldman said, "the mass itself is responsible for this horrible state of affairs. It clings to its masters, loves the whip, and is the first to cry Crucify."


Conservatives are mad about GTA again, we're back in the right timeline.


IMO Rockstar should have just remastered GTA 4 with a newer graphics engine and kept adding DLCs to it
There's really not much more you can do with it except maybe add more cities or whatever
The same boring plotline about a protagonist forced back into a life of crime after trying to escape it isn't really needed
Also the vehicle mechanics and physics in 5 are so fucking bad


this. I've been struggling to understand why anyone in the year of our lady of sorrows 2013 + 10 still cares about a new GTA game.


When I get my own place and a GNU/Linux desktop, I'm gonna try playing 4 through Wine


It’s funny because the trailer is really just referencing regular ass Florida happenings


It's nice revisiting the cities and seeing what new tiny details they have added like pet NPCs (why weren't there any pet NPCs in GTA IV? Nobody knows). But yeah, GTA IV was peak gaming, they've butchered the Euphoria physics engine in V and removed so many tiny details relating to physics specifically it's staggering. GTA is essentially a physics sandbox. Not unlike GMod.


Florida is a breach in reality where the world of GTA collides with ours.


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fuck copyright


holy based


Love sending an 18-year-old to jail over random bits of data and made up "damages".


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welp, this poorfag isn't gonna play it


Billions must twerk!


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not funny. twerking is a african mating ritual popularized by jews to get white women to miscegenate with black men by warping our aryan society's beauty standards away from breast worship to "booty" idolization. it is spiritual warfare in its purest form. billions must NOT twerk, billions must have anorexia.


>twerking is a african mating ritual


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Based grammar Nazi.

When can I join the Reich? It better be a network of federated anarchist communes tho.


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>The GTA 6 PC version might be less of a priority, one former Rockstar developer says.
>"We don’t have the money, we don’t have the resources, we don’t have the manpower. So we just prioritize what’s best for the company’s money."


The more they do this shit the quicker people turn on intellectual property.


Ah, Rockstar, a small independent company.


>vows to return to crime
KING, AAA retards keep seething.


You have committed sacrilege against the holiness of intellectual property.
Your punishment? Spending the rest of your life trapped in a facility that makes regular prison look like a 5 star hotel.


>life in prison
holy shit


I explicitly allow Rockstar owners to be thrown in the gulags, Stalinites.



This seems like an extremely ominous precedent.


After Nintendo forced the uygha who hacked them to be their lifetime debt slave I'm not surpised.


> Despite having his laptop confiscated, Kurtaj managed to breach Rockstar, the company behind GTA, using an Amazon Firestick, his hotel TV and a mobile phone.
lol free my man Kurtaj and fine Rockstar for gross negligence


Gross negligence pertaining to what?
All the "damages" caused to Rockstar are purely hypothetical.


There is no "damages" and could never be given the hack did not destroy anything, it is all made up bullshit by Rockstar's lawyers.


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Nintendo ass company.

> He kept hacking while out on bail and plans to continue hacking if he ever gets out



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>been sentenced to life in a hospital prison
Man that's like the worst ending in Cyberpunk 2077. rip


IIRC he didn't actually hack them, he just did a little social engineering (tricked employees to giving him login credentials)


Many such cases.


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In the first seasons of L&O: SVU they just openly talk about using commitment to keep offenders locked up indefinitely after doing their time or putting people without evidence. In 1995 people already understood it to be a subversion of due process. No liberalist pretext of compassion either, just abject contempt for the concepts of rehabilitation and burden of proof. American fascism manifest championing its favorite tools.


>American fascism
He was trialed by a british court dawg


all anglo countries are the same tbh


Most of Yuroop is an American colony. Cultural at least, if not fully. The UK most of all.


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chihuahua = epic

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