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Disco Elysium only works because it had a team of really strong writers. I feel like this is a game style you can't "pull off" even consistently because even a mediocre Disco Elysium-like would be terrible. Horrible to play, even.


game devs synthesize novel mechanics instead of just ripping off the latest thing challenge


They are. It's simply OP being a dumb cunt.
Here's a free tip that will go a long way for you: when somebody posts about someone or something and makes it seem bad, it is the poster being a dopey cunt.


>We're working on Sovereign Syndicate, a Victorian Steampunk cRPG inspired by Arcanum, Disco Elysium and Shadowrun.
>I'm early in development on a Disco-like called Esoteric Ebb. I'd love to hear what you think!
lol really wanted to sound smart with your pseud post huh


maybe you could have put that in OP instead of assuming anyone knows fucking anything about these games


im not op you fucking retard lmao


I hate video game genre naming conventions so much.


DE itself is a very loose adaption of planescape: torment, so these games should realistically be called "torment-likes".
>inb4 people start calling it a proto discolike
>I feel like this is a game style you can't "pull off" even consistently because even a mediocre Disco Elysium-like would be terrible.
Stat-based character and environment interactions are far are more interesting than what most JRPGs do, which are also heavily story driven in their own right.


Completely missed the point, yet has the temerity to call others psued. Yep, it's imageboard shut-in time.


>gets proven wrong with the exact words
<y-you're missing the point
lol ok my man, you totally arent acting like a channer here

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