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/games/ - Games

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> Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 introduces the four playable vampire clans
This is your reminder that a complete, playable and finished version of Bloodlines 2 exists with all clans playable, and Paradox threw it out because of insane corporate politics and had a new developer start over from scratch. Bloodlines 2 was in a playable state start to end years ago when Paradox had some corporate restructuring, moved all the assets to a new company and had them start over. Paradox burned a complete video game because of decisions made behind closed doors by people who have never touched a video game in their life.


I meant the other stuff…

That other company that was working in the game was also a complete mess tho.
<no Nosferatu
<no malkavian
<devs are all corny ass writers
This game is such a fucking mess, at this point I'm more excited about the documentaries about the game's development than the game itself. I had actual excitment for the game when it was first announced, it was during that time when we were only getting live service crap this game combined with cyberpunk and the outer world's seemed like a return to fun videogames. Cyberpunk was trash, outer worlds was boring as hell and this game has been delayed over half a decade

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>In addition to these four clans, an additional clan will be made available via DLC. A sixth clan will appear in a unique, standalone DLC.

And this isn't even remotely the first time this has happened.
It happens with movies and TV shows too.
There is an insane amount of lost art out there killed off by split-second corporate decisions.

>Apparently we are no longer going to be playing a thin blood trying to survive and earn respect of other clans but an elder vampire who awakes after 300 years.

this sounds cheesy as hell lol

Whenever I think it can't be more over I find out it can.

We're not far off from the point where the only category of developer making games that aren't slop are either solo developers or tight-knit friend groups, who have sources of income independent of their gamedevving.

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