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everybody's favorite corporate rigged event that chinletjaks complain about, cheers.


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Pizza Tower got robbed.
>lost "best debut indie" to a game nobody has heard of
>not even nominated for best indie


Cocoon isn't even the devs' first game either!


Haven't played a single one of those apart from Cocoon lmao, I'll play Sea of Stars though since I liked the Messenger. Tchia also looks good. I never even heard of Alan Wake 2. Sounds like a PS4 exclusive. I'd say the only really great game I played released this year was Laika: Aged with blood, and thats way too unpolished and with too awful pacing in the mid section to ever get nominated.
It's such an unoutstanding game as well. Maybe I'm not the intended audience but people are saying its the next portal when its not even half as good. I really liked the wierd sci-fi alien background art and world but actual gameplay wasn't great.


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>Event that's supposed to be about celebrating gaming achievements
>Half of the categories get mentioned in passing to shoehorn in more ads
>The few devs that do get to come on stage and talk get pic related meanwhile celebs get several minutes to make unfunny jokes

Monster Hunter Wilds is the only announcement they made that I was even remotely interested in. I'd say Refantazio too but we've known about that for a year now.

>I never even heard of Alan Wake 2. Sounds like a PS4 exclusive.
If you only play on PC, it's an EGS exclusive. PS5/XSX otherwise.


My favorite part of that sign is that it got used with the BG3's team dedicating the award to a dead member who died during development. Even the director of Zelda got it. Gotta make time for the ads and celebrities.


A lot of the shit Inquisition got railed for, BG3 is getting praised for lmao.


If you grab a timer you'll find out that of its 3 hours, TGA consisted of about 47 minutes of actual awards showing.


Only good thing about the awards is the Art Deco design of the statue.


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People are finally realizing how bullshit these award shows are it only took them over a decade to realize it


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nothing new under the sun


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This entire situation feels like a joke PT would do
>guaranteed shoo-in that everybody roots for loses to some literal who nobody noticed beforehand
Literally a cartoon gag.


>favorite corporate rigged event
This. But at least Amored Core 6 won best action game. Bout time us Ravens got some respect


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You made me believe Cocoon had cute girls for a second but it seems they're from another game.


Somebody combined Pizza Party with Freedom Planet of all things.

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