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If only Dreamcast didn't die prematurely, it could have been better.

There's still hope that Switch will normalize gyro but I do wonder what could have been if KB+M on consoles was the norm. Regenerating health, ADS and cover shooters might have been way less ubiquitous, the aim assist would have almost disappeared, and many PC FPSs would have gotten ports and remasters on consoles (and vice versa). At least we can experience what could have been through emulation but ofc the change in controls demands the change in game design and core gameplay mechanics.


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IR pointer > gyro
change my mind.


I mean, the IR pointer is cool 'n' all but it is imprecise and the Wiimote can't do 360 noscope. Also, one does wonder if your hand gets tired of doing all these motions after an hour or two. Also, you can't use the IR pointer in portable gaming. For obvious reasons.


But gyro is subject to drifting and has to be recalibrated constantly.
Playing through Metroid Prime with the Wii IR pointer was great. Playing it with the switch gyro was a total fucking nightmare.


>Playing through Metroid Prime with the Wii IR pointer was great. Playing it with the switch gyro was a total fucking nightmare
It can be an implementation problem. Have you tried PrimeHack? And if so, have you tried configuring the flick stick?


>It can be an implementation problem.
Metroid is just an example. All the gyro aiming I've used (on different hardware) was jank, back to PS3 sixaxis.


I have red that complaint thousands of times on /v/ and barely played any Wii in my life, but I remember playing a demo disk at launch and going through the menu with the pointer. It had about the same precision as using a mouse. Certainly more precise than any thumb stick or light gun. I think you all are just clumsy :P


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Remember what Nintendo genuinely suggested as a solution to Wii U Pro controllers not having gyro to play Splatoon.


I still can't believe this wasn't an april fool's joke. Nintendo man.


Wii also had a big enough pointer.


It was both more precise and more responsive than gyro controls, since it didn't have to calculate position based on motion or anything, just mapping the cursor to the location given by the IR sensor. If you could whip across the screen in 1 frame, it would follow, with no less accuracy. Gyro gets confused too easily for that. You have to go much slower to accommodate its limits. IR only really runs into problems if there's outside IR sources interfering. One way I saw that happen was the actusl IR signal bouncing off the TV screen and the glass picture frames on the wall opposite. A little rearranging fixed the issue completely.

Look at VR headsets. Anything above the low end relies on IR because gyro based systems are too imprecise and unresponsive and will give you motion sickness.


Okay, maybe the issues are with Wiimote specifically, not the IR tech.


>>32613 (me)
Okay, if gyro is imprecise then what are we supposed to use for portable consoles?


why do redditors have such a hate boner for console fps games?


Control sticks are an objectively worse way to handle aiming than a mouse because of how they function at a fundamental level regarding physical use and input data.


Not all people you disagree with are Redditors, take meds.
>hate boner for console fps games
<literally embedded a console FPS game footage as a counter-example to other console FPSs
<literally said that the FPS games on Switch (Wii also counts) are a step in the right direction
How about you actually read the post, eh?


>>32648 (me)
Oh, btw, I like Metroid Prime despite its tanky controls. But if I had to choose between the original hardware and Trilogy/PrimeHack/Remastered I'd choose Trilogy/PrimeHack/Remastered. I'd say that Prime's controls at least don't give me mental turmoil, good job, Nintendo.


Old console FPS are fucking awful lol.

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