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/games/ - Games

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I always heard that genuine neo-nazi groups were active on Roblox and using it as a method for recruiting and simulating real-world activism, but damn, I didn't know how easy it was going to be to find accounts in Klan robes and fascist accelerationsist these easily.

dude imagine meeting a nazi who got radicalized by fucking ROBLOX of all things

I think Roblox is less about WHAT/HOW and more WHERE the radicalization process can happen. Radicalization is what happens within the chatrooms, and it is the content that is encouraged/accpeted by the group.
But yeah, It does disturb me deeply if little timmy wants to play Saving Private Ryan on Roblox and someone starts talking about "the synagoue of satan" or "Watch Europa: The Last Battle" and a seed of antisemitsm starts taking root in his mind.

a 6 year old isnt going to watch europa the last battle. no skibidi in it

skibidi hitler

that's going to become a thing isn't it. to try and lure kids into become nazis

Unironically someone on an MMO chatroom suggested I watch Europa.

I guess it's the only form of activism available to fat loser alt rightists who never go outside and don't have a job.

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>that's going to become a thing isn't it. to try and lure kids into become nazis
Here's a screenshot of a group I found before their Twitter account got suspended

It already has. Why else are there those sigma male and vaporwave edits? They look cool and fun so the kids obviously take the bait. "Oh, what's this cool zig-zaggy sun symbol? I want a T-shirt with than one!"

>We must secure a future for the existence of our skibidi children.

Sometimes rate my avatar is filled with nazis lol that put racist christchurch memes or unironic "humans are not equal" spartanist anti-communists and roblox does nothing.
I reported someone unironically named ""NIG14TND88GER"" and his account still is alive. Same thing with church, those games moderations directly allow that and roblox also.
Got harassed and constantly attacked/killed by some racist "watch europa the last battle" players in a dark RP game for forming a communist party as also a muslim person there.

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Kinda surprised roblox is still going. You'd think something open source would've overtaken it. Like, those kids aren't tech illiterate, they're a community about making games; coding fairly large Lua programs, making 3D assets, ect…
Every time I hear about Roblox it's either a controversy of platform mismanagement or someone made a cool game in it like Become Fumo or Skibidi Tower Defense.

I guess one way to do it would be to do a Fedi instance about JanusXR rooms? Maybe fork JXR to add a more intuitive avatar system like what VRChat, NeosVR, and I don't remember what that other one was where you could move the sun around in the default lobby.

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