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/games/ - Games

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I'm curious to see what would happen if a game with a phenomenal story and great combat, but with PS2-era graphics, got released. I wonder how well it would hold up against modern AAA games

I was born in 2000 and my first console ever was a PS2 back in 2010 for 100 euros. I was in love with it and my PSP, I also had a very bad computer so i used to emulate games/play really old ones. So retro gaming even though i am younger than its usual demographic is in my heart. I am certain people would love to play such games and to me the old graphics is exactly the reason i play them. I have a tablet currently except my PC and i have made it into a portable retro-console.

Cruelty Squad already happened.

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We've witnessed a resurgence of pixel-art games, but 2D pixel art naturally has limitations in the FPS and RPG genres. Personally, some of the most enjoyable shooting games for me were Serious Sam and Painkiller, while for gritty tactical realism, titles like ARMA and the America's Army series stood out and haven't been peaked. If people were given the tools to recreate games from that era(they can even have full voice-acting thanks to AI voices) I believe it could significantly impact AAA publishers.

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also Mount and Blade for RPGs

Yahtzee Croshaw, talked about how graphics achieved a level of realism comparable to humans during the PS3 era. However, there was no incentive to further advance this level of realism, except for the constant drive of capitalism to expand. As a result, the industry has reached a point where creating graphics that are considered 'ultra-realistic' requires significantly more resources and effort. Ironically, companies don't even desire pursuing this direction, but according to the logic of capitalism, they cannot release a game with less realistic graphics that would be cheaper to produce. This situation has created a stalemate for the industry

PS2 era graphics, designs and tropes are ripe for a comeback but indie devs haven't even catch with PS1 graphics yet.
Is making a 3d game really that hard?
Last moth I tried out The Punisher and God of War 2, the gameplay is simple, they just stick to a design and stick with it but the presentation is fantastic, real time capsules of that era's culture.

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In the PS2 and early PS3 era, developers had to concede that the technology wasn't advanced enough for full realism, so they had to compensate with style. a sort of semi-anime /semi-heavy metal poster 3D

graphics in modern games dont even look better
they're just unoptimized
>why arent they optimized?
because it doesnt sound cool to Wall St investors who are paying for the game's development. to them optimization, good music, good art design, good level design etc is pointless time-wasting fluff that gets in the way of slapping lootboxes on shit

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PS2 games that look like this had a large team of people. I'm not saying it can't be done but it would need a decent size indie team to pull it off. You need competent devs and a competent art team that knows character modeling but also architecture low poly PS1 games are easy, timeless looking ps2 games are going to be much harder and not cost effective.

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Tekken is one of the rare cases, of a series perusing a mix of style and realism, reminiscent of the PS2 era of games. It's probably the best looking fighting game.

Thats doom graphics

>2D pixel art naturally has limitations in the FPS
Like what? I think you can create any FPS in 2D with enough effort. Serious Sam even.

It's mostly the issue of Physics.

The most important thing visually is illumination. PS2-graphics with good illumination (I don't mean only Raytracing) would sell good. See: Zelda BOTW and TOTK

I thought people bought Zelda etther because it's Zelda or because they own the Switch.

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The PS2 is the bestest game console ever made.

Fite me.

I will, because it was the NES. PS2 carries with the amount of gems but NES's graphics are timeless, it gets the most homebrews out of any console.

When it comes to the quantity of games instead of pure graphical masturbation then it's… Steam Deck. Just emulate all your games here and you won't need any console, the Xbox ports of PS2 games also have better graphics.

>>33972 (me)
But honestly, Master System and Pocket Color need more fucking love. Have you seen those animations in Pocket Color games? That's fucking sick.

>I will, because it was the NES
To be fair, I was mostly saying that out of nostalgia for the PS2 lol but I'm not changing my mind, PS2 is still bestest console to me!
>Steam Deck. Just emulate all your games here and you won't need any console
I've never tried it out Steam Deck, is it really worth it? Also, being able to emulate games on a handheld sounds great.

>Have you seen those animations in Pocket Color games? That's fucking sick.
Oh yeah, Metal Slug 1st Mission's and 2nd Mission's animations are pretty smooth considering the game looks like a Game Boy Color game otherwise. Then again Metal Slug animations are always really well made.

the only good thing about the ps2 was its game library. and maybe its dvd player. it sucked at everything else

It's a game console, all it needs is good games

>To be fair, I was mostly saying that out of nostalgia for the PS2 lol
I'm a PS2 owner myself but I don't really feel that attached to anything from my childhood honestly. Though PS2's library is pretty awesome. It outlasted its competitors too. It's pretty similar to the NES in that regard however.

Regarding Steam Deck, I think it's worth it, although I'd want a more libre GNU/Linux distro on it so I can play DRM-free games without a hassle and bloat.

>It's a game console, all it needs is good games
That's false, consoles are a type of computer hardware, hardware specs, features, the operating system and online play also contribute to its quality.

And that's why Nintendo Switch is not considered shit only because of having Nintendo games on it, it's a worthless piece of plastic without its exclusives. The main target audience of Switch is normies who don't know any better and fanboys who'd play Nintendo games even on bloody Virtual Boy.

>>33985 (me)
Wait, if Nintendo punishes fans for expressing their love then does Nintendo even care about its fans buying its games or does it just exploit their faithfulness?

What about game engines? I think the Quake 3/Id-Tech 4 engines were a perfect balance between the blocky 3D of earlier games and the overly hyper-rendered realism that wastes resources.

PS2 specs were perfectly fine. Online play for its time was also decent.

I know their libs, but Nanar Studios's early animations prove you can use limited 2000's era videogame graphics to tell a compelling animated story.

Also see Xavier: Renegade Angel

I have played a lot of games, and I would considered ARMA 3 to be the end point of realism, I don't think there is a single reason to go beyond that.

What game is the first screenshot?

Final Fantasy Type-0

ps1 and ps1 graphics feel so oddly dreamlike and comfy, realism could never

my point is that the realism of PS2 era is enough, anything beyond that is entirely a waste of space more often then not.

see also FIFA 99

TBH, Quake's graphics are kinda stylish. Stylish games never age, look at JSR or GGXrd.
>PS2 specs were perfectly fine.
Not in today's landscape. Of course if we were stuck at PS2 graphics it would be fine. But we are not.
>my point is that the realism of PS2 era is enough
The only major problems of the PS2 graphics are the lack of polygon aliasing and low-detail and pale pre-baked shadows and low-scale textures. Smooth the polygons in post-processing, sharpen and darken the shadows, upscale the textures and VOILA! Your average PS2 remaster is complete.

>>34919 (me)
I'd also add that the global illumination became so good that ray tracing doesn't really change that much and is more useful as a remastering tool like in the case of Minecraft or old games that RTX Remix supports or… Fortnite. It isn't even extensively utilized in modern games because it's graphically taxing.

>>34919 (me)
Also, I dunno what it is with shadows in AAA games but they're often lighter than they need to be, some shade of blue or light-gray. I don't get it. Why? You darken the shadows and the game already looks better. Is that the jagged edges thing?

Popular games like Lethal Company and now Content Warning feel like they could have come out in the 2000's, so that kinda proves it

AAA is made to look least terrible on trash tier TVs for console gamers. Dark shadows are washed out to ugly backlight bleed gray on garbage LCD panels.

>2000s is when eye gouging filters
Content Warning renders multiple viewports and encodes the video. 2010s tech.

Are you saying that older games look better on a CRT screen? Even Team Fortress 2? Because that game's shadows sure are washed out.

>ctrl+f ultrakill
The combat is great (it's the main focus) and it's got a pretty interesting story, perhaps not long, but fleshed out. Unless I'm misunderstanding what PS2 graphics means here. Like engine-wise or stylistically?

It's almost PS1-like though.

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uneducated opinion. DOOM is in the vain of games like Wolfenstein 3D, Daggerfall, or Populous: The Beginning. It is very very low poly 3D environments with explicitly 2D sprites for entities like enemies, weapons, powerups etc.

Cruelty Squad has both 3D environments and 3D entities. the shape and poly count and janky animations of the 3D characters is more reminiscent of something like Morrowind, Goldeneye, GTA 3, Quake, or Tekken 2/3.

also Mount and Blade for RPGs

it's interesting, Arma 3 (which released in 2013 but is set in 2035) had the main opposition to NATO being a group called CSAT, an alliance of Russia, China and Iran
More and more, this is looking like a viable possibility to play out

Russia allying with China and Iran isn't that hard to predict: these are all major third-world countries that oppose the US, plus 2013 was a year after the relationships between Russia and the US have worsened, although in the eyes of American conservatives Russia never ceased to be "le Soviet Union."

Gaming is simply too big for its britches. Too many shareholders that heard about how lucrative the industry is, jumping in and making demands without any idea of how to make a fun video game.
The indie market is thriving because of its detachment from the more money hungry side of the industry.

It’s inevitable. There are already some PS1 graphics horror games.

Can’t wait to experience a new Gothic/Morrowind as the “Minecraft of PS1 aesthetics” is probably in the works at this moment by some lone dev.

As someone with no access to the internet and not owing a proper gaming PC as teen, we'd buy these game from local mobile shops. Every time they included one of these. Painkiller, Delta Force, Ubersoldier and Stalker Within,

If only one could get their hands on VBS4

Wait, VBS4? They already released VBS3?

Also sidenote, but is it even possible for one to get their hands on a personal edition of VBS? I heard VBS2 got one.

If you have a PE of VBS2 you'll also get access to VBS3 up to a certain build, but they don't sell PE versions anymore.

>they don't sell PE versions anymore
What a shame. I'd be curious to see what features VBS2 has that the Arma series doesn't.

Explosions and destruction better than blastcore, engine diverged from Arma since the Arma 2 days, so way way more advanced in different categories.

Alot more content of real life vehicles, equipment and systems, radios, thermals etc.

Accurate real life maps of current conflicts. 3D model library with tens of thousands of objects for map and mission building. Water simulation, crowd simulation. Better optimized than Arma, temperature and weather simulation, snow, water freezing, mud.

And many more things.

I like mount and blade but I can't help but feel the vanilla game is kinda empty without a story, but the mods are the real draw of the game.

It could work even with Video Animations

I don't think it will be widely accepted. People do expect a certain level of acceptable graphics, but I will admit that they may not realize their own tolerance. I think 360/PS3-era graphics are a good compromise

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What about AI?

>“AI works best when there is a lot of data available that represent the tasks you’re targeting,” states Yves Jacquier, Executive Director of Ubisoft La Forge. “As such, repetitive tasks are particularly suited to be generalized and automated.” By using motion capture data to train AI models, realisticand fluid character animation will be generated.

>Jacquier explains, “AI also has the potential to assist in automating the animation workflow, reducing the time and effort required by animators. Another prototype we developed at La Forge is Zoobuilder, which helps create 3D animations for animals from videos using machine learning. We’ve been using generative AI in voice synthesis, DeepMotion, text-to-speech and now Ghostwriter, our in-house tool created to assist scriptwriters. We’re seeing fast progress in terms of adoption internally in areas like ideation or concept art.
>We expect a similar trend in programming with assistance for writing code or finding the potential source of a bug and proposing a fix. We can expect the use of AI assistants to rise and progressively become an integral part of our everyday routine, going beyond basic functions to handle intricate tasks, such as assisting with coding and executing complex commands.”
>Being able to ask Unity AI, ‘How do I make a Match 3 game?’ It lists it out in steps for you. Getting that type of help accelerates creators on whatever part of their journey, whether they’re a starter, intermediate or expert.

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