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/games/ - Games

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it's kind of sad how much money AAA devs pour into tiny improvements in graphics when there's barely any blood left to be squeezed out of that stone. This game for example is 20 years old. 2004. I played it as a teenager. Now compare that with 1984, 20 years before that. A world of difference. But this game holds up graphically after 20 years because everything since then is just slight improvements to textures and shaders and poly count, and changes in standard tv/monitor resolution. And yeah. I know this is pre-rendered cutscene but the gameplay itself is also pretty good for the time, and stands head and shoulders above a lot of 3D indie games made today. What's the deal with graphics obsession still being a thing?


>What's the deal with graphics obsession still being a thing?
It makes money because normies are retarded


I think AAA developers/publishers have tricked themselves into thinking that they have no choice but to continuously push graphical fidelity despite the numerous obvious downsides, because they're worried what will happen when they stop. Despite how many gamers say they don't care about graphics, there's still a whole cohort who makes fun of any game that doesn't have top tier graphics (and there's often a crossover). Then you have investors/shareholders who are often normies who only value presentation and care nothing for actual game design.
It's hard for an industry that's been continuously bloating itself to suddenly turn back. There's also an issue of specialization, a lot of modern AAA game devs are trained to do only one specific thing (e.g. particle effects), as opposed to game devs of yesteryear that may have been more or less skilled in specific areas but were moreso generalists who wore a lot of hats on smaller teams. I personally think the industry would be much better off shifting to a "smaller and more games by smaller and more teams" model but the transition wouldn't be easy.
Unfortunately I don't think these mass layoffs will lead to what I want. This isn't some kind of reckoning, it's big corporations sacrificing workers after making poor financial decisions. If anything I expect a further doubling down. Instead of AAA we'll have AAAA - insanely bloated live service games. The suits don't care how often that concept fails, they've seen that Destiny money and they want it. Sixth-gen era small-to-medium size games that are made quickly and sell well enough aren't sexy - they want the big payout to get the big bonuses and advance their careers.


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it actually doesn't though. they're pouring huge sums of money into very slight and unimpressive improvements in graphics. the real money making is the predatory skinner box mechanics. I've seen sad people get addicted to really shitty ugly games that have pay 2 win mechanics.


>it's big corporations sacrificing workers after making poor financial decisions
why do people repeat this lie lol, especially on the communist imageboard. they're not "making poor financial decisions", they're just divesting at a time where borrowing is at a premium. this is what they're supposed to do. market hasn't been contracting, even with unprecedented inflation and negative salary growth which is supposed to have a direct impact on consumer expenditure, it's been mantaining itself relativelty constant. bad news for game devs, which are all literallty strategic positions and thus very vulnerable each time speculators decide this ain't the time for investing, not the most terrible news for the industry which is still very much solid and prime for further consolidation.


anyway something something the tendency of rate of profit to fall


You're a pathetic idiot, clinging to outdated graphics like a moron. Get with the times, dipshit. It's about gameplay, not your whiny nostalgia. Grow the fuck up.


It would be a poor financial decision under any reasonable system, you're right that obviously they are incentivized to do this and bear no punishment for what any normal person would consider failure (releasing high-profile trend-chasing flops and firing all your creators).


TF2 and Fortnite got it right, stylizied cartoonish graphics age better, require way less labor and imho look cooler than 2000s war on terror action movie piss filter shit


Hot take: Graphics peaked with Batman Arkham Knight


Graphics are something you can just throw labor at to make it "better." Designing a better game requires a lot of skill and properly integrating a lot of things. It's less production-friendly.


Designing a better game ain't about jerking off to your fancy "skills."


That's what made Doom and Doom 2.


Everything I hear people bitch about muh triple A I roll my eyes.

There are a million self published indie games out there. Why do you even pay attention to triple A releases if they aren't your cup of tea?


>le industry bad because le normie npc sheeple made it that way
sir this is a socialist imageboard


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I've been harping on this for years but I'll say it again; graphics hardware, disk space improvements and audio compression advaments have made games inferior products.
The kind if labour thst goes into modern graphics and voice acting is insane. Consider in rpgs we used to have the text equivalent of novels and interesting art directions all pre 2000.
Video Games if conceived in another world could hold countless prestigious pieces of art under its belt whilst in our reality I can count them on one hand that are anything but slop.
I hate capitalism.


>The npc sheeple made the industry that way.
<Noooo it's the bourgeoisie who made the industry that way
Implying there's a dichotomy here. The bourgeoisie shape the proletariat to buy their garbage and in return the proletariat shapes the bourgeoisie so they adapt to their preferences. It's dialectical. Breaking the class society will break such parasitic relationship obviously.


>>33964 (me)
My point is that the NPC sheeple has made the industry that way but also the bourgeoisie have made the NPC sheeple in the first place so they've indirectly contributed to the state of the industry anyway. They wanted that sweet-sweet cash from the larger populace so they're entirely to blame for focusing their efforts to attracting the lowest common denominator through dumbing things down and psychological woodoo magic of marketing and giving people gambling addiction.

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