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I'm wondering what a Marxist reading of Genshin would come out to, given that a few Mihoyo founders are Communist Party of China members.

How do you read Liyue, for instance? Ningguang, for instance, seems like a representative of the Party State, given her omnipresent surveillance empire, while Keqing is an eternal revolutionary and humanist.



There's a very complex situation with Genshin Impact in China.
Many people think Genshin Impact fans are overly obsessed, while many Genshin Impact fans accuse anti-Genshin Impact individuals of being brainless haters.
Many people dislike Genshin Impact being associated with politics, perhaps because they don't like adding more controversy to the community.
The situation with Genshin Impact is very complicated, extremely complicated.




>Gacha gambling grift
You should be shot


>gacha open world game
Not here.
Either go to >>>siberia or >>>games


The world of Teyvat - and Celestia in particular - is a reflection of the neoliberal world order as someone of the mid 2010s might understand it. As we live under capitalist realism, so to do the people of Teyvat live under Celestain realism. The overgods of Celestia are the god-hegemons of Teyvat; their Heavenly Principles decide what is good and what is not, their agents the Archons deliver blessings to their faithful.
Dig deeper and we see how this is all a lie. Of Sun And Moon revealed that they are but interlopers and not the original gods, that their world order is as artificial as the capitalist one of our world. And it is upkept in much the same way, with blood. Teyvat's beautiful scenery is built upon the corpses of the many civilisations that came before and drew Celestia's ire, with at least 3 genocides (likely more) that can be linked directly to Celestian action. Civilisations that advanced too far for their liking and started questioning the world order (or just fell out of favour as happened to Sal Vindagnyr) were both physically annihilated with the Nails and literally rewritten out of history with Irminsul. Knowing this true history is of course forbidden, as Orobashi found out the hard way when he got his coils on Of Sun And Moon and got sentenced to death immediately and his followers condemned to cultural genocide.
And as much as it is in our world, there is seemingly nobody who can take up the banner of resistance. This knowledge has been successfully suppressed outside the mainstream, and even if it was known everyone is too preoccupied with their lives, making a living on the "surface"; what does some kooky old history matter to them, they've got to feed themselves in the here and now. Nobody's got the time for some revolution against the whole world order.


Try Arknights first, much easier to analyze since the politics is a lot more grounded. Also the structure is a lot more chapterized, since there's no open world stuff.


Invocation of One in Despair

So a god has snatched from me my all
In the curse and rack of Destiny.
All his worlds are gone beyond recall!
Nothing but revenge is left to me!

On myself revenge I'll proudly wreak,
On that being, that enthroned Lord,
Make my strength a patchwork of what's weak,
Leave my better self without reward!

I shall build my throne high overhead,
Cold, tremendous shall its summit be.
For its bulwark– superstitious dread,
For its Marshall–blackest agony.

Who looks on it with a healthy eye,
Shall turn back, struck deathly pale and dumb;
Clutched by blind and chill Mortality
May his happiness prepare its tomb.

And the Almighty's lightning shall rebound
From that massive iron giant.
If he bring my walls and towers down,
Eternity shall raise them up, defiant.


>Marxist Themes in [non-Marxist work]
Don't be like an Evafag plz.


well theres a water spirit frog thats a communist


Also is Genshin actually socialist? While it's notorious gacha, you can actually complete all the content without gacha (and as a challenge run it's viable), and the gacha is basically a way to rip off rich people.

The ripped off Gacha victims end up subsidizing a fairly good BoTW-clone with a decent anti-imperialist story for the rest of us, as it's essentially F2P.


don't assume whales are rich, most of them are just addicts.


>"This is the people's taxation: all the accumulated taxes will go to the building of socialism."
>"This is the people's corporation: all the surplus value will go to the building of socialism."
>"This is the people's predatory microtransactions: all the profits from them will go to the building of socialism."
>"This is the people's casino: all the profits will go to the building of socialism."
Dengists are the real whales. How long can it go on?


>Also is [video game] actually socialist?
what the fuck am i reading


File: 1715356138331.png (36.04 KB, 407x245, tetris.png)

>Socialist video games?
>No contradiction!


>game about the futility of building walls
>anything but revisionist trash that destroyed the DDR

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