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I don't care about gamergate 2 or whatever but I did think this was interesting

> Former game executive and develop at Blizzard Mark Kern

> @Grummz

< "The way games are funded you don't use your own money. Even EA, its games are hugely expensive to make, they're upwards of you know 250 sometimes 600 million dollars it's for certain live games it's incredibly how expensive they are and to do that uh your CFO is your best friend.

< "You're counting on your CFO to get you tax breaks to get you in to put studios in regions which are financially favorable and you will borrow the cheap money, you will get a cheap money to do it. Even EA does this. I worked with EA; we were putting together a deal where they were taking bailout money from the banks in the last financial crisis that we had, and they were applying that cheap money towards games, same thing with Covid money. They're applying that cheap money towards games, and what has been the cheapest money while interest rates were still low, you know a couple of years ago it was ESG financing, and so they're going to take this money."

< "Because the returns on investment have been so poor on Wall Street for ESG funds, that source of Revenue is drying it up. This Woke machine cannot continue in the way that it is now for AAA gaming, and I think unfortunately, it's so entrenched that you're not going to see—you're not going to see much of an ability to course correct because the studios are—they're just gonna shut down."

>He goes on to state that the ESG money comes with “strings attached”:

< Mark Kern explains how ESG money comes with strings attached inside corporations and is used to make companies partner with DEI consulting companies like Sweet Baby Inc:

< "Everyone needs to realize is that it's not that these Studios are funding the games out of their own pocket; that would be very expensive for them. Cash is king. They will preferably go out and get money from other sources if it's cheap enough to help spread the risk of these massive titles, and so you have a lot of quid pro quo happening, and I can tell you that developers have been approaching me and giving me some inside baseball on what's been happening, and there are funding deals out there for studios—and I can't get too specific; I don't want to out sources—that have certain strings attached like a company will suddenly sign with a developer and now that developer needs to hire a DEI director and needs to go out and hire consultancy firms to gender balance."

< "Their staff quite specifically go out and hire companies like SBI to consult on their writing and do sensitivity reading and changes for that, and what does, all this does, it boosts their ESG score. It allows them access that funding so ESG is not going away entirely."

< "It's [ESG] become an evil brand. People are waking up to this… You have you have a rebranding going on right now. They're not calling it ESG, but it's still out there."

Anti-woke hysteria aside the industry collapsing in on itself is some good news imo.


is gaymer gayte 2 a forced meme that the chinlets are trying to turn into a thing or does it have any organic momentum behind it?




as far as i can tell chinlets found out a lot of devs hire some consulting company and have spun their own conspiracy that the company is hijacking games to inject wokeness everywhere or something


>companies hired a consulting company
stop the fucking presses
this is as stupid as the original gaymergate where they acted shocked that reviewers were bullshit LMAO


>is gaymer gayte 2 a forced meme that the chinlets are trying to turn into a thing or does it have any organic momentum behind it?
I think the chinlets are pawns. What I think is happening is that the GOP is trying to turn 2024 into 2016 the sequel and GamerGate 2.0 is going to be one of the ways they do it.


don't really care but why do they need so much money? will people stop buying the games if the 3d models have 50% less polygons or the lights only reflect 2 times on surfaces instead of 5? it looks literally the same (bad)
the core mechanics of games, specially the big franchises, have been the same for the last ~15 years, so what is stopping them from just reusing the stuff from previous games with, I don't know, a new script and some new multiplayer modes

this feels like capital is trying to coopt a technology that doesn't really fit well into the capitalist model. besides the woke accusations that thing reads like
<videogame companies are trying to behave more like normal companies
<and it is kind of counter-productive
>specially if you are not a shareholder


There's plenty of people that decide whether to buy a game or not based on trailers and that kind of shit so yeah graphics help to sell copies


I think graphics is one of those things that the industry have trapped themselves in, like movies with franchise universe films.

As one of these big companies you've got to go the blockbuster route because the alternative is to make many more smaller, less resource intensive games, but the more games you make, the more you compete with yourself. You fracture your customer base also by splitting them up with different products, which also inherently minimizes the potential for return on additions like dlc.

So you've got all your eggs in one big basket, but there are diminishing returns on how much fun the game actually can be made, especially with huge teams working on such complex products. And especially since you're kind of locked into what can be added or removed from a game that is meant to appeal to a certain audience, like Call of Duty or whatever. Each game is very similar to each other. You've built this brand that you can't really change, and the relative amount of "fun" is going to be the same, because that's the point.

At that point the only thing they can really edge out competition on is shit like graphics. Doom Eternal is fun, but subjective judgement aside it isn't any "more fun" than Brutal Doom, in spite of one looking like a living painting and the other looking like you poured a bottle of ketchup into a box of legos .


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I dunno man


I've been following kiwifarms's, 8chanmoe's, and zzzchan's campaign of Sweet Baby Inc. ever since they made their unironic Reich Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda list:
Iow, extremely late
What I continued to see is that they already lost their plot:
Mark Kern is making shit up without a single citation or financial sheet.
He blatantly has a kiwifarms account.


There absolutely is a conspiracy behind game industry funding but the reactionaries have cause and effect reversed. The reason SBI exists is to provide employment to the retarded sons and daughters of the rich. These hellspawn are incapable to doing any real work, they have useless humanities degrees, they're all mentally ill - believing themselves to be activists or even revolutionaries. If the world had any justice, they would be shot on sight but since their daddies have money, they get to be execs of a DEI consultancy. In short, it's a grift to pay the salaries and pad the resumes of the parasitic capitalist class' useless children. They lead their little DEI consultancy for a few years and then move on to some wall street hedge fund. This is just another manifestation of elite overproduction.


Well, this situation barely surprises me considering that liberal arts majors are the usual vectors for the perpetuation of ultra-woke liberal bullshit.
That there is an entire company of them doing just that is not a coincidence, it is a natural consequence of the professional-managerial class growing out of control and trying to create a market for their brain rot, pushing it in academic circles and media in turn making a climate where they would appear "useful" for potential employers.
In other words, they are making problems and then offer themselves as the ones with the solutions.


It's all thanks to Brutal Doom's excellent VFX, SFX and feel. When you shoot a gun, you really feel it. When a monster explodes, you really feel it. You really feel everything in this game, that's better than VR.


>>34215 (me)
Also, the idea of high-end graphics is not bad in theory (poor people will disagree however). Not only in terms of ray-tracing and the number of polygons but also in the destructible environment. It's such a rarity in games to have truly destructable environments except, say, Battlefield, so no wonder why BF games are so popular. In a medium of unpassible small fences, unmovable crates, invisible walls and locked storefronts that can't even be destroyed by a bloody C4 (looking at you, GTA) it's truly a breath of fresh air. Or more like a sip. That's immediately taken away the moment you've tasted it.


>Doom Eternal is fun, but subjective judgement aside it isn't any "more fun" than Brutal Doom
If they played anything alike beyond "doom game with tons of gore and demon execution animations"


Okay then Legend of Zelda


It's really just a veneer of respectability and sophistication put over racketeering.


dumb incel retards acting like a simple capitalist boom-bust cycle is somehow connected to their culture war
who cares


You should care about the culture war because it is a form of intra-capitalist class conflict over the surplus.


Huh, this news is getting big. Very curious. Sounds like an interesting aspect of multinational corporations.


We should care about the culture war. Not too much though. And we certainly shouldn't pick sides, that's for sure.

These particular news seem like something actually interesting amongst the see of nothingburgers such as "THIS JOURNO SAID THAT THE GAME X IS SEXIST!!"


Your hypothesis works if this was AAA.
Gaming is lucrative for sure, but Mojang and Alexey Pajitnov were never AAA.
SBI may indeed be a NfP money laundering scheme, but corporations were always welcome to opt out.
Who the fuck invited you fash?
Or just plain fascists from the same horse shoe.
I do not like the predators using gaming spaces to groom and enlist.
I don't need them preying on the impressionable:


>Your hypothesis works if this was AAA
Obviously nobody talks about indies and AA here. It actually annoys me that people always talk about "the downfall of gaming" when it's obviously just the AAA market that's failing, I blame journo sensationalism carried over from newspapers and TV.
>Who the fuck invited you fash?
Even post-leftists use the word "woke," you're clearly a noob. It's just a word.


The discourse is so schizopilled
Corporations trying to get free money from investors turned into a narrative about being blackmailed into including idpol into shit
And everything having this malicious intent to target specifically them
It's really funny


>corporate owners are blackmailed into including idpol into shit
>corporate owners are blackmailed into including microtransactions
>corporate owners are blackmailed into taking government subsidies
>corporate owners are blackmailed into molesting women and children
>corporate owners are blackmailed into forcing their workers to crunch
>corporate owners are blackmailed into hiring immigrants
>corporate owners are blackmailed into polluting the atmosphere
>corporate owners are blackmailed into censoring people
The story as old as wine.


yeah 'post-leftist' is another word for fash


>yeah 'post-leftist' is another word for fash
Okay, Gillis. 🤡


Yeah probably but they do the same with rightwing moral crusading and importantly it is closer to the actual culture and strategy of the ruling classes. Social justice (in the truest sense) politics is co-opted and used by the ruling classes (bourgeoisie, labour aristocracy etc) while having it's actual base in the underclasses (proletariat peasantry, reserve army of labour etc) while at the same time the ruling classes propagate and enforce rightwing ideologies, as these suit their needs the best to divide and stratify society and transform inter-class antagonisms into intra-class antagonisms etc. Actual social justice politics reduces and eliminates non-class divisions, overbearing pandering and the more egregious examples of "woke" policy and media that inconveniences or alienates people and corporations cynically using these supposed morals to generate profit for their amoral firms… this kind of stuff isn't meant to make life easier for the people who are supposed to benefit from it, it does not solve these social justice issues and can in fact do the opposite. Which is not a bad thing necessarily from the pov of those using this stuff cynically, as they get to stay in the spotlight as moral defender, and it fosters dependence and so on, along with the rightwing and reactionary political currents that they actually want as a class.


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It never fails to amuse the shit out of me how the enemies of mankind, the capitalist globalist elite owners, are also so antithetical to everything Conservative and so utterly toxic to traditional morals, but you dumbfucks are still so insistent that anything you hate must be "the Marxists." Like fucking LOL "the FBI is Marxist!" Imagine how fucking DUMB you have to be to honest to God believe this shit, not realizing you are a fucking simp to the same people raping you, economically or otherwise, and is THE SAME DAMN PEOPLE putting in the most morally corrosive toxic shit as a literal byproduct of the way global Capitalism even works. It's a nihilistic fucking endstate to enthrone the sleaziest, greediest bunch of narcissists and psychopaths imaginable, you then wonder why all our elites are ASPDs, NPDs, and blackmailed pedo pawns of said psychopaths, that of COURSE they don't fucking care about your morals. The whole pilltard shit with manpill channels similarly pushes the most wildly toxic, anti-traditional value horseshit, for basically a bunch of NPD amoral anti-traditionalists to turn all your tradcon daughters into whores and turn your sons to disposable mules and you sit there saluting the fucktardation of sending your kids out to Iraq to die for the corporate interests.

Our mutual enemy is the global elite, yes especially if you are socially conservative. "But muh Marxists" that shit is literally benefiting the ruling elite, and the ruling elite is and has been turbo Capitalist for the previous 40 fucking years.

Like literally, the whole entire point of idpol trash is distraction and divide. Who the FUCK would even care about so fucking entitled bougeois of a shitstain first world problem as "I think I feel like a woman today" that, I might add, ONLY IS BEING DONE BY THE SAME CASTE OF MIDDLECLASS BOUGIE ENTITLED WHITE MEN AS THE FATPHOBIA FAT WHITE GIRLS. Because if they can distract and divide you with that, it provides yet another avenue to divert all that hostile energy righteously directed at the elite, and onto the proles and bougie types, onto the lowest most useless of kulaks when useful from an ownership managerial/worker adversarial control perspective, and to effectively neuter any possibility to create solidarity among the working class–much of whom not only opposes but absolutely DESPISES this shit the middleclass white American kids spout off anyway.

If you idiots wanted your traditional morality and your traditional religion back you'd smash corporate power and smash the cucked pawn state that serves those elites and utterly smash the nihilist globalist neoliberal aka international capitalist paradigm into the fucking soil and replace it with the proto-Socialistic system that Jesus and the early Church patriarchs espoused. Because let's face it, Christ was practically the first proto-Marxist before the secularists tried and coopted and destroyed it, perverted it into the same type of bullshit we see with Xi in China today that's basically the same shit as we have, that has likewise utterly betrayed their own workers while trying to exterminate the only true rival to them, which is real religion.

Unironically, the absolute best state of affairs would be in ascending a scientific theocracy to the halls of power that is run by the same kind of people as the Muslims that named a third of the stars in the night sky, that was ran by the Sufi mystics that despise this usurious Western banking bullshit (that I remind you, the Catholic Church ALSO hated the usurers and you literally cannot even run Capitalism without usury, all the right wing retards don't want to admit that which is hilarious given their closest attempt at anything still utlimately became the NSDAP so the fascists themselves got forced to basically borrow from leftists because right wing bullshit basicalyl just doesn't work for anybody in the end but the nihilistic godless owning class).

I'm completely serious. Yall want a return to traditional morals? Wife at home, men being men, and the masculine man works while the woman raises the kids? Guess who the fuck ruined that shit? The Capitalists. You listen to any fucking pilltard channel it becomes abundantly clear it's the same horseshit as why they gave you state lotteries, it's literally so the proles ALL dream themselves oligarchs-in-waiting with just that one lucky ticket, and it's the same story with Willy Wonka where nobody tells you yall got fucked at birth and your grandsons will be slaves and your grand daughters will be whores and every manchild cunt like Tate and JW and Myron ultimately espouses the exact same toxic anti-family anti-traditional shit, where they basically just fuck an endless stream of your daughters and pilfer your finances but "if you buy this book/audio session/coaching from me, you TOO can be a sociopathic global elite fuckup who's hellbound too!"

This I'd also really like to emphasize is exactly why the elites are so hardcore at war with not only the economic leftists, but also all the religious people particularly the Muslims and Christians at the same time, and want us at each other's throats than the natural thing which is uniting and toppling those godless whoresons. Their society is quite literally built on the worship of the Seven Deadly Sins, people like freshnfit and Tess Holiday are merely symptomatic of the exact underlying rot to the society, all of which is the driving force of "become your own god" that narcissistic pawns like Kanye are meant to enforce. But the ultimate reality is, these people are of the devil, in every spiritual and philosophic sense, and the true state or religion has always been of the communal, the pro-Social, the traditional, the humble. Our pig disgusting society is headed in the complete opposite direction, and I find it hilarious that these neofascist dickheads are too fucking dumb to realize it, even as all the corpos they simp for deplatform their asses and hunt them down like dogs the minute they step out of line and do some shit that's proving them merely useful idiots for the same elite that'll throw yall under the bus in a heartbeat.

But oh yeah, some obese effeminate boomer said mean things about libruls and built a fence (and made yall pay for it while he lined his own pockets) so now yall are ready to be the biggest bitch made numales this side of the earth. I swear to God.

You know if we ever had a real Conservative traditional religous movement I'd support that as easily as the true leftists, concerting ourselves to the same target like a thousand points of light, were it not the case that instead we have a bunch of pansy ass radicalized dickheads that are ultra pro-establishmentarian, in the same way the most bougie asswipes out there trying to call cookery "bourgeois" because these urban liberal hipsters are part of that bougie class that hasn't cooked a meal in their life.

I'm sorry, but feeding the masses and cooking for yourself and others is literally the most proletarian thing you can possibly do, especially if you did it for free. The purest expression of this religious purity is in feeding the homeless, that Satanic territories like Florida of course made illegal. I don't even know how the fuck a man can go to church and hold his head up simping for something literally banning churches from feeding the homeless and destitute. They should castigate the widows and orphans next, and make money off bombing them. Then their godless heathen asses can insist how their system is "traditional" "conservative" as they're basically bombing random countries for profit.


>but they do the same with rightwing moral crusading
Feminazism is just a new form of right-wing moral crusading with a new coat of paint.
>it is closer to the actual culture and strategy of the ruling classes
Nah, the ruling class primarily cares about making profits so they can use any ideology that spreads hate and division. It's more like both feminazism and alt-rightism play into each other since they cannot exist without one another as the boogeyman. Without feminazism nobody would be buying into the alt-right bs and without the alt-right nobody would be buying into the feminazi bs, they need each other like yin and yang.




Radlibs, radfems, libfems, wokescolds, SJWs, ultraprogs, call them whatever you want, I do not care.


forced meme, no one except people who are online 23 hours a day can even pierce together what they're saying. i mean sweet baby inc? sounds like a bbq sauce company, it's not a real serious company, it sounds, as >>34208 explained, a backwater outlet to capture public funds and keep some failsons employed and maybe try and pretend that they're not gray souless companies filled with CEOs that fuck their own hot employees as a matter of routine.


As I said in >>34232, rightists always try to damage-control when their conspiracy theories point at the porkies as the ones at fault. A shame that there are no dedicated sites or YouTube channels with leftist conspiracy theories.


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Fash already unmasking themselves:
archivé c8juN#post-18230647
archīve xitter _politicalawake_status_1782798483511984413


I disagree, SBI, seems to me like an company for mainly narrative game writing, but game companies are outsourcing this like in other industries, every piece of labour increasingly divided and marketized/commodified than it is, a bit insufficient, as surely you could hire in-house staff at a cheaper rate, and get cultural experts etc…

I've nothing against DEI, since it is in my material interests, however SBI relative to DEI, I believe that games that have stories with minorities; SBI comes in and helps out with making sure things are culturally appropriate and sensitive, in a sense politically correct, this is for the sake of business, and aligns with interests of avoiding backlash or controversy.

SBI relative to DEI and game companies, all these things related, seems to be logical business sense, to make sure writing does not receive backlash and controversy (look at stellar blade and the correct accusations of sexism), in our modern world, however with neoliberalism of course even game writing has to be outsourced and even further divided as labour.

Your claims about a conspiracy I doubt, this is simply business, this is simply capitalists abiding by their own interests.


>stellar blade and the correct accusations of sexism
kys faggot


Castrate yourself coomer.


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thanks to this guy I noticed picrel is a character from Goodbye Volcano High, which I didn't know before. thank you, chvddie!
doesn't look like my kind of game though


anti human reprobate


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Cope and seethe


Nobody is offended by this, it's almost certainly just a psyop to generate publicity


It's not that big.


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Imagine the /v/ and twitter asshurt if this was broadcast today.


Don't forget that the video game industry is filled with US military spooks too. Activision has former GWB cabinet members in higher management positions.


Pointing at yourself here.
Imagine spending your time defending a garbage game solely on the grounds of sexual appeal.


But enough about Nier Automata


>you can't like a game just because it's hot
Retard mindset.


But enough about the Persona series


really sad state of affairs that prudes like this are a sizeable part of the internet these days


all higher management positions are shit


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Just play any other third person action game with female lead instead of simping for overhyped South Korean slop. There are dozens of them out there, for fucks sake.


>why dont you like this other thing instead of the thing you like


not what the word even means


Whiteknighting, whatever. Does not change the fact that this game got its hype mostly due to being in the spotlight of another spat between radlibs and reactionaries. It is just mediocre and uninspired compared to most other games of its genre otherwise.


Mad cuz ass.


Mid gyatt.


Bro, yeah the characters are sexy, yeah its good porn, but there is a time for video games and a time for porn, I'm not looking to play jiggle physics simulator, I can go look up tifa online lmao, and ofcourse it is sexism, much as I and you find it appealing it is objectification.


Ignoring the derailment about the gook game that censored itself after the publicity anyway, we have these dumb threads about "le collapse of da gaming industry" every half a year or so and it's always copy-pasting prophecy ramblings from culture war chvds for some reason.

Not that it matters if it did happen btw. There wasn't any major difference between games made before 1993 and after 1995 aside from a diminished presence of Atari and better technology.


Funny thing is most journalists liked the game and the anti-woke crowd turned on it. Despite the "Censorship" barely even mattering that much (To me)
not that it matters, Lies of P has sexier content and better gameplay.


>not that it matters, Lies of P has sexier content and better gameplay.
To you.


>overhyped South Korean slop.
But enough about Lies of P.


also i always find it annoying whenever games like these come out
all the discussion around them are never about the game, but it's controversy






The worst thing Lies of P has included is Denuvo, not censorship.


>ofcourse it is sexism, much as I and you find it appealing it is objectification
It is sexualization, not objectification. Which isn't necessarily sexist unless it's Duke Nukem Forever, and we know how that game turned out. You don't morph into Andrew Tate if you enjoy sexy fanservice, and hot characters can still be interesting as actual characters.

Let's be honest: men often get these specific accusations of sexism because they're straight, gay men have it easy on them. Straight men wouldn't be shamed and berated by liberal feminists if they became gay. Which may also reveal libfems' anti-bisexual sentiment too: you can't just become bi, oh, no. You have to stop liking women. Full stop. This descrimination against straight, bi and pan chads that keeps showing up on our site is unacceptable and frankly cringe.

Thank you for listening to my TED Talk.


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>look at stellar blade


>look at stellar blade
Don't tell me what to do. I look at games when I want to.

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