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/games/ - Games

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I guess this is the best place to ask. If you're mobile gaming, whatcha gaming on, /games/ anything from a phone, to a switch, to an Odin. S20fe here. Bout to get an s22 or s23 on Ebay soon though. I mainly use it for emulation and Dex. I always see these fuckfaces on social media hawking these mobile pieces of shit for upcharged prices and it pisses me off. If you wanna play nothing but snes games go on Ebay and get a phone for like 50 bucks. Chances are if you're a gamer and wanna use it for that you probly have a controller lying around. I mean. I get it, it's a fun little gameboy shaped package, but the phone is a lot cheaper and a whole lot better.


i barely use my gpd win 4, i kinda just carry it around to play games with my sister when i visit my parents, i may get one of the newer retroid devices to play earthbound or something i dunno

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