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Every day more artists are drawing Chiaki Nanami with a Nintendo Switch instead of a Playstation Vita. They don't get it, they'll never understand the appeal.
Portable gaming hasn't been the same ever since it went from "pocket gaming" to "backpack gaming", the vibe is different.


I don't miss tiny screens. If the next Nintendo Switch looks like a ghetto blaster, I will still buy it :P


The Nintendo DS launched in late 2004, almost twenty years ago. And Nintendo already had done the two-screen fold design with handhelds before the Game Boy. I don't get why portable devices with foldable screens have not become the norm. Could be the classic clamshell design or a triple screen with one main screen and two vertical screens to its left and right side.


>I don't get why portable devices with foldable screens have not become the norm.
I think it's ultimately still fallout from the hype around the iPhone.
Following the iPhone, flip phones lost any momentum in the market and are mostly dead besides a few KaiOS phones. Despite many DSs and the WiiU, multi-screen devices barely made an impact on the wider games ecosystem and part of the reason is the obscolescence of handhelds by iPhone-type mobile computers.
Had low-powered flip phones remained the industry standard a decade longer, the demand for handhelds and manufacturing base for the clamshell design would have been larger. Any multi-screen gaming device needs to fight an uphill battle for developer support, even moreso now.
t. dumphone user who owns a switch


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More moving parts = more points of failure and harder to engineer.
People are also used to bigger, higher def, and more sensitive touch screens that can be all the interface you use on the device. Space on the thing for buttons and stuff means lower ratio of screen to overall size. There have been attempts at making a folding smart device work but it didn't take off.

That said, the (3)DS is a great design and probably could still sell considering the level of attention the shutdown of the online service was getting. The issue with that type of system is that it's a lot more restrictive on what kind of software you can make for it. Limited resolution, implicit need for 2 separate screens (or 3 technically to do the 3D on the upper screen), has to fit a special format when cross-platform compatibility is the norm.

I think the main reason handheld game systems died is simply that they can't compete with a mobile games since you can play them on your phone, a device you probably have anyway, without needing to buy any additional hardware.


I have a galxy z flip 4. I thinkmit's pretty nice. The crease in the screen dosn't bother me. In fact it feels kind of nice to run your finger over since it is so smooth. Another upside is even samsung says don't use a screen protector with it and it's not a problem because you close it before you put itin your pocket.


Give her one of these thingies


this piece of shit costs 200 Dollars and the crank is part of the controller


I bought a PSTV like a decade ago, played Persona 4 Golden for 70 hours, and then didn't touch it again until literally yesterday when I found out it was really easy to hack.


oh fr? I assumed it was one of those build it yourself 3d printer projects.


still has more games than the vita


black and white
no backlight
200 dollars
Really unappealing and I say that as somebody who is still fond of games from 40 years ago.

Compare with the Evercade EXP:
color (duh)
supports vertical screen mode
8-bit and 16-bit games in collection carts, big hits and indies, over 380 games in total
18 Capcom titles pre-installed (Megaman, Street Fighter)
+6 Irem titles on cart (R-Type)
150 dollars

There is also the Analogue Pocket for retro gaming:
literally takes the physical GB/GBC/GBA carts
adapters for other old handhelds also available
1600 × 1440 pixels (!) for hyper-accurate emulation of old screens
220 dollars

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