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/games/ - Games

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File: 1712114928211.jpg (Spoiler Image,305.29 KB, 1020x791, visual novels prove that g….jpg)


In which we speculate about the rumored new Russian game console. My vision: A weak but also cheap machine (perhaps even cheaper than production by following a strategy of "selling the blades") running games from 10+ years ago with mods adding in Russian language support and some fun extra features and the marketplace is just paying pocket change for these mods and it's all perfectly legal because of copyright reform. If it's cheap enough and the controller feels decent I don't think normal people would mind the hardware being ancient.

My bet is they're going to remake the Steam Deck but shitty.

In essence, it will be something like picrel, but with more recent technology.

I want it to be good because I know it would produce mass amounts of seethe

I want consoles with weird hardware. Weird hardware makes weird game design problems, and encourages creative solutions.

Sauce on OP's picture?

I once tried to play Klonoa on a Wonderswan emulator. Works perfectly, until you must rotate the device.


It's real… but not available on GNU/Linux?

Weird hardware lost on economies of scale. The closest thing these days are overstock ARMshit like the broadcom inside the original raspberry pi. That isn't even all that weird, it's just undocumented trash meant for phones or tv boxes.

Fill that bitch with emulators and then cram it with every ROM they can find.

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